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Nordic Outdoor NL

2 years ago
Room Type
weeks 5, 7-12
Grow medium
Grow medium
30 l
Pot Size
2 l
Grow Conditions
Week 11
17 hrs
Light Schedule
10+ conditions after
Fall Nutrient Mix
0.326 ml/l
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
Amandus Amandus
2 years ago
Spotted a snail here this week, removed a few fan leaves, fairly wet and cool, but still the trichomes are glistening with the good stuff. Now expecting a week of warmer weather, hopefully thisäll be the homerun needed to close up the season for this beauty.
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Grow Questions
Amandusstarted grow question 3 years ago
Looks like I may have aphids on this plant. Small holes nibbled through, spotted one tiny critter and knocked it off, and then sprayed 1/4 spirit vinegar + 3/4 water mixture on the underside of the leaves, hoping to be rid of the pests. Any further suggestions or thoughts? 😐
Leaves. Other
Other. Bugs
damn_dorotheaanswered grow question 3 years ago
There’s a school of thought that says let the aphids be, because the aphids will attract predatory insect species that will control them. Aphids are like candy to beneficial bugs. If that’s not your thing, aphids are easily killed with a soapy water spray. A teaspoon (5-10 ml) of dish detergent in water should do the trick. Your leaves look like might be dealing with something smaller like a spider mite or thrips? Keep an eye on the underside of the leaves and use a hand lens to magnify if you need to. Another idea, the leaf holes remind me of the kind of damage you get when water droplets sit on the leaves and the sun comes out, then you get little burns from the water droplets magnifying the sunshine. Good luck growmie! I hope this helps.
Amandusstarted grow question 3 years ago
I sprayed a mixture of 1/4 spirit vinegar + 3/4 water under the leaves to get rid of aphids (which may or may not have been the problem) earlier today. Now checking on her, I see yellowing of several leaves and wilting of others, which has me worried... normal, or a problem? 😳
Leaves. Curl down
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Other. Bugs
crimsonechoanswered grow question 3 years ago
damn theyre burned. acetic acid in the vinegar strips waxes off the leaves and theyll dry out and die without their precious waxy skins. for future reference its always a good idea to test your diy sprays on a very limited area first and wait 24 hrs. there is nothing you can do atm and i’m sorry about that. you can spray the plant down gently to remove any remaining vinegar solution but thats about it. acetic acid is a weed killer by the way so i just wouldnt spray it on my plants if possible. the same mechanism you expected to work on aphids (stripping the waxes) sadly worked as well on your cannabis. rinse the plant down gently asap and lets see how much of it can be salvaged. sorry man been there done that, it really sucks!
Amandusstarted grow question 3 years ago
Had snails and aphids earlier, but knocked them out. I'm these brown spots / holes in my girl. Don't think they're the snails and don't see any bugs.... been rainy and fairly cool, 60-70F. PH is currently high at 6.9. Any thoughts or recommendations for a mostly clueless newbie?
Leaves. Other
Other. Bugs
1 like
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 3 years ago
The holes are definitely some bug having lunch at your expense... probably a catepillar of some kind. I use BT spray which is pretty effective at keeping them (and other chewing pests) away.. it's organic so it can be used up until harvest ... but it would have to be reapplied after a rain. The catepillars take one bite and they hate it so they go somewhere else for their dinner. You could also try Dr. Zymes Eliminator which will take care of a whole host of pests. It, too, is organic and can be used up to harvest with no problems. The yellow spots are probably from your use of vinegar earlier... if they continue and you notice more of them, then you're probably dealing with a calcium deficiency. I'm unfamiliar with your nutes but a dose of calmag would not go amiss... Good luck!
Amandusstarted grow question 2 years ago
Any ideas what's causing this "film-like" substance? Doesn't look like web, possibly trichome liquid? I'm thinking of harvesting -- about correct time -- as I'd rather harvest and cure early than lose it. My plan originally was to wait another week or so....
Buds. Other
Leaves. Other
Other. General questions
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
No, it's not trichome liquid... trichomes don't ooze liquid - they're just sticky. If you want to keep her going at all costs, I'd get some Spinosad or Dr. Zymes and give her a good spray... but you can't use neem oil at this stage unless you like smoking it... both Spinosad and Dr. Zymes are organic and so can be used on flower... failing that, mix a 1% solution of hydrogen peroxide and water and use that to spray. The hydrogen peroxide will kill whatever is making this and evaporates off. I'd suggest giving it a good spray and then giving it the chop after a few days. Good luck!

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love_2_growcommentedweek 33 years ago
Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱
Amanduscommented3 years ago
@love_2_grow, appreciate it!!
love_2_growcommentedweek 33 years ago
Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱
JamesBarrecommentedweek 122 years ago
Très beau travail 👍👌
Amanduscommented2 years ago
@JamesBarre, thanks a bunch!
DreamITcommentedweek 33 years ago
Enjoy growth mate 🍀👋🦄
Amanduscommented3 years ago
@DreamIT, thanks bud! 😬