As transplanting Autos is not recommended picked up a few cheats which work well. Use big final pots but germinating in these can be a pain if they don't pop.
1st put the seeds in a cup for 24hrs in the dark in water 24 degrees plus.
No sign of life after 24hrs as usual with autos.
Then using a toilet inner plant the seeds after moistening the soil well.
Then covered with bottle tops with a few air holes and hey presto 24hrs later they all popped.
Left for another 24hrs only then transplanted in to there final containers. Amazing the roots if left another day or so would of hit the bottom of the pots and could have stopped growing! seen this happen many times with 6 inch plants lol.
water goes through a water filter first, No ph being done at this point as good soil. will change this once start adding food in another 10 days. YES ANOTHER 10 DAYS! AUTOS NEED TO WORK HARD 😃