8/31- Week 4 complete .. the main stem by far seemed to be her focus this week the stem has gotten quite thick ... other stems ,leaves and flowers seemed to have some growth nothing ..ridiculous ...she definitely seemed to be bulking up the support system (main stem) this week ..possibly to launch into a growth spurt either way we will see we are still early and this is my first grow with this strain so we will see
Good luck with your grow! You were certainly brave to transplant an auto when it's in flower! Hope she gives you a good harvest!
Oh... and btw, don't forget that there's the opportunity to ask questions of the larger community - like "What are these orange spots?" .... just ask it down towards the bottom of your diary and wait to see what advice you might be given....
@the420spacecadet, hey - no problem! And yeah, you have to carefully weigh the answers you get and balance it against what your instincts are - but it's a good resource!