Directly in Soil / Solo cup 12z
Full Moon pick Feb 16. 11:30 Am
Mollases, recharge water
Seeds sprout under 80-95% humidity / 24-30⁰c on 2 days / Snow full moon stage
Feb 18 all seeds sprouted 10:37pm
Removed humidity dome.
Feb 19 - Seeling stage on solo cups
🌟 Week 1 ( S e e d l i n g S t a g e )
F19 Day 1 - 18/6 (12am-6am) darkness - (6am-11:59pm) light time
F20 Day 2 - 18/6 (12:25am-6:30) Darkness
6:30-11:59pm light time
F21 Day 3 - moving day /schedule changed a bit
F22 Day 4 - new place, lights on since
2pm - 12:25am) - watered
recharge + fishshit + azos + mollases | ph 6.6 / 550 ppm/24⁰c
F23 Day 5 - (6am-6am) 24 hours of light
F24 Day 6 - (6am-6am) 24 h
F25 Day 7 - Refill and reenforce seelings with more soil around the stem | lights 24h (6am -6am)
Hey there, Thanks so much for growing our genetics, will be excited to see them all flourish ☘️ Let us know if you need any assistance, we’re more than happy to help 😎 Happy Growing !!!👨🌾🌲