Неделя прошла спокойно. Растиха уверенно набирает зеленую массу. Есть подозрение, что в почве заканчиваются питательные вещества, подкормил биогумусом и мелассой.
Day 25. Растишка показала пол - девочка 😊
@@@StinkyBudz, my girl've had many problebms with pH and deficiencies. I am surprised that I managed to bring the grow almost to the end, and even get small but good buds. I wish you to get more hassle-free and effective result. Thank you and good luck for your grow too! 👍
I'm loving the leaf growth, but man those leaves look a lot like some fat Indica leaves. Good catch on the mag deficiency. Day 18 shows a big improvement in color. Looks good.