iamSossycommentedweek 102 years ago
@SeaDweller, because theyre falling off, lol. on reddit seems like a ton of people had issues with their Meph Wedding getting stunted, and the mods there are very happy to jump on and promote any post that features a half-decent wedding plant (i.e. one that isnt a runt).
one of my phenos was a straight up mutant - only spit out the ruderalis 3-fingered leaves, the very top of each cola was bald of pistils, and the general bud structure was whispy, unbalanced and Grinspoon-esque - definitely not top-tier genetics by any mean.
Mephisto has always seemed so quick to judge other breeders for pollen chucking a hype cut into an auto - but it seems like theyve actually resorted to doing that themselves.... sad.