
Mephisto's Wedding - Outdoor 2022

2 years ago
Room Type
weeks 4
Promix Herb Veggie
Grow medium
Grow medium
4 L
Pot Size
0.38 L
Germination Method
Peat Pellet
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 92%
Method popularity - 7%
Mephisto's Wedding Auto
Avg. success
Mephisto Genetics - 92%
Mephisto's Wedding Auto - 88%
Commented by
iamSossy iamSossy
2 years ago
I understand that my germination is a little slow. I just germinate in a small peat cups filled with a mixture of peat moss and earthworm castings, sitting in a window sill indoors. Once I know the plants are strong enough to stand up themselves outdoors, I'll move the pots outdoor. I keep the bottom of the peat cup wet and wait until I see evidence of root development at the bottom of the cup, and transplant at that point. I've had much better success germinating in a small pot and transplanting vs in final container.
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homerjgangiacommentedweek 02 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
THCanbisGrowercommentedweek 12 years ago
happy growing and good luck dude.
iamSossycommentedweek 02 years ago
I received 10 seeds of Mephisto's Wedding, for next summer. I already had a full garden this summer, but I planted one in a 1-gallon pot so I can make a first generation of seeds with pollen collected from my Sunshine Pine male, to backcross with MW next summer for better seeds. The small pot was selected to hopefully shorten the seed to harvest time, as I started this girl late in the growing season (expected harvest in October).
SeaDwellercommentedweek 102 years ago
Flower looks beautiful. did you have any stunting issues in the first 2 weeks of veg?
SeaDwellercommented2 years ago
@iamSossy, ahhh just as I expected. Thank you for this information. Mephisto gave me 5 freebies of tooth decay x Walter White. All 5 stunted . I have 5 mango smiles left . Not sure if I’ll even bother with them. I really don’t get the allure of autos. You can find plenty of high quality photoperiod genetics that have much higher yields and very similar harvest times.
iamSossycommented2 years ago
@SeaDweller, because theyre falling off, lol. on reddit seems like a ton of people had issues with their Meph Wedding getting stunted, and the mods there are very happy to jump on and promote any post that features a half-decent wedding plant (i.e. one that isnt a runt). one of my phenos was a straight up mutant - only spit out the ruderalis 3-fingered leaves, the very top of each cola was bald of pistils, and the general bud structure was whispy, unbalanced and Grinspoon-esque - definitely not top-tier genetics by any mean. Mephisto has always seemed so quick to judge other breeders for pollen chucking a hype cut into an auto - but it seems like theyve actually resorted to doing that themselves.... sad.
SeaDwellercommented2 years ago
@iamSossy, interesting, I wander why meph wouldn’t mention that in the description. Instead they say “easy” for level of growing.
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Metatronixcommentedweek 02 years ago
All the best to your girl...let there be not one cloud in the sky when she are sunbathing 💚🌈🍻