So I'm day 10 of breaking soil so decided to start week 2 of my Diary. That LED says 600W but I'd guess its not that great? What's the ideal height for this kinda light. To much different info online. GC did stretch but I think iv fixed her. I just feel like they are both a bit slow developing.... Day 11, after yesterdays concerns I Started using an app and have switched the flower switch on that unit as apparently its pretty wack and the red light will actually help the little autos along and without it on the apps suggest the light is wacker than wack. So I now Seem to have Par and intensity and DLI etc and all that stuff down now which I hope helps alot. Hopefully this will give them the light they was wanting cus my measurements by guess work were cleary causing some undesirable performance and issues. GC seems happier😏.
@THCanbisGrower, Do think putting 2l water with 8ml of Canna A+B then putting that through my coco mix will be ok. If you read my diary youl see in real time the stage I'm at. Because the seeds dropped in the glass of water after a few hours so after a gro dudes advice I popped them into this coco that Id ran the nutes through an now I'm panicking they won't pop or that il burn them? He told me to put some nutes in the soil though then just drop them in about 1cm to 2 deep and theyl be sweet, so I did haha! Hope it goes fine 😅.