I ordered some stuff with RQS and I got a free seed (AK420 Autoflower). I already harvested an outdoor grow (Auto Duck en Northern Light Auto) last week, but I'll try my luck and start a new outdoor grow.
Starting a new outdoor grow in august in Belgium is rather risky. The odds are against me but till now it has been an amazing summer so maybe we'll get an indian summer too.
I used a wet coffee filter to germinate and succeeded in less than 24 hour. I planted the seed in a pot with 'normal' outdoor pot plan soil, and mixed this with RQS Easy Boost. I used the same combo for my Autoduck and Northern Light and got very healthy plants.
Picture of the seedling is taken on august 3th in less than 72hours after putting the seed in a wet coffee filter. We"ll have very nice weather (27°C and sunny) and it will stay that way during the next two weeks so I expect a fast vegative growth.