Jwjohcommentedweek 155 years ago
It sucks that you didn't get what you wanted, but awesome job! I'm also growing 8BK as my first. I grew a few plants when I was younger but haven't for 20+ years. The first time I smoked 8BK I fell in love with it and it continues to be my favourite strain, but it's around $14/gram here 😭 Had you smoked it before you grew it or was this just a random decision or ?
I wasn't going to do much to my plants but I noticed they had all this bursting growth inside. I wanted to see what would happen if I exposed it to light so I applied some LST. In the last few days they've just absolutely EXPLODED with growth, as yours seemed to do! I'll be updating my diary on Friday or Saturday with pics showing the growth explosion.
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