
3x3 grow

2 years ago
plant house 3x3
Room Type
weeks 3-4, 6-9
weeks 3-4, 6-10
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 12
18 hrs
Light Schedule
Day Air Temperature
11+ conditions after
Commented by
Enemy61390 Enemy61390
2 years ago
Another week on autopilot. Pretty pumped about the trich status on these girls. They smell amazing to boot. Bruce banner hits hardest on the nose now. A rub and sniff test of the strawberry banana and strawberry gorilla glue tell me as much. They both smell amazing as well just not as potent of a smell I suppose. Trichs are all milky. Most pistils changing color (about 80%ish) and receding. Still have not found a single amber despite approaching day 84 tomorrow. I want to say one more week but I think I'll be doing a staggered harvest. The strawberry banana is ready I feel, despite no ambers. The Strawberry gorilla glue also seems ready. Bruce banner....seems not so much. Showing fade and signs of nearing end of cycle but the trichs and pistils are telling me to wait. Feel free to weigh in on the comments if you feel so inclined. I could also try to push the strawberry girls until bruce banner decides its time. Just taking it one day at a time now.
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Grow Questions
Enemy61390started grow question 2 years ago
Any ideas for storing compost tea? Plants on differing watering schedules due to taking in water at different rates. Started a tea today to help correct some issues but 2 of 3 plants won't need water for another 12-36 hours from time it's finished.
Other. Other
Youthmananswered grow question 2 years ago
For less than 48hrs you can store it in a jar/bottle , maybe not closed to let the organisms breath! Or giving them a little bit air every 5-6 hrs. You can store it in a closed bottle too, don't worry! :)
Enemy61390started grow question 2 years ago
Time to harvest? A week? maybe two for bruce? I'm drying in my tent as it's easier to control the environment and it is pretty dry this time of year (39-50%rh). So do I stagger harvest or try to push them all until bruce seems ready? Check my diary. Thoughts welcomed.
Other. Harvest - Drying
Sciolistic_Steveanswered grow question 2 years ago
When the triches look more like plastic than glass with consistently seen amber in any 1 locale inspected, but not a high percentage -- that's usually my preferred harvest time. I do earlier window harvest as i don't like couch-lock / sleepy buds. Genetics will have a say in that too. There needs to be more magnification of the trchomes to assess them than your pictures provide. Under a grow light they will also light up quite a bit more in a photo than to your eye in RL while you look through a scope that helps block excess light. You look like your nearly at early window of harvest on some.. so, depends a lot on personal preference as to within a few days or 1-2 weeks from now etc... i'd just let them finish individually, but... plenty of reasons to deviate from that too. If you cannot have an alternative drying spot in the mean time... i'd look at it like a assess trichomes... the average of the total that gives me the most of what i prefer. So, that could mean taking the slow one early before the bulk ambers up for me... but, i'd just hang a plant somehwere else in meantime and harvest as they are individually ready... got an old tent frame? while a top might be helpful to reduce any dust, enclosed in a tent is not the best way to dry... make sure there is plenty of air exchange and a suitable RH results or you'll be fermenting pickes in there... or it'll smell like you are.

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GrowingGrannieweek 2
Good luck with this grow, mate! FastBuds have GREAT genetics!
@GrowingGrannie, Unfortunately yes.. 😅 There was also a difference in the soil when I prepped it. One bag of FFOF was super wet/clumpy/heavy. Unlike the pots the bruce banner and strawberry gorilla are in. So that could have something to do with it as well. It seems to retain water more than the other two for some reason. Maybe lack of peat moss in the mix. Either way, I don't think I'll be using Fox Farms soil next time. No complaints on they're dry amendments currently though.
@Enemy61390, oh wait a minute... I just re-read your comment on this week ... yeah, you might have watered her too much ... I don't know... anyway, again I'll keep checking in! Good luck!
@Enemy61390, - yeah, she IS a bit sad looking, isn't she?! Doesn't make sense, tbh ... maybe she'll surprise you when you start giving nutes... I'd go REALLY slowly with the nutes for her if this was my grow... like 1/4 strength just to see if she'll tolerate them... hmmmm... Gonna keep checking because I'm really interested to see what SHE will do!
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Fast_Budsweek 12
Nice buds growmie!! We really appreciate you sharing your grow experience and hope that you enjoyed our genetics. Happy harvest :)
@Fast_Buds, Thanks! My first time trying indoor and I am addicted now. Thanks for pumping out such awesome genetics. I enjoyed the strawberry banana so much I've got 2 more going in my new grow to give her a real shot and see what she can do.
GrowingGrannieweek 8
Your BB is looking SO much better than mine! I'm jealous... but I have more seeds so I'm going to have another go at this strain! Next time in DWC, though!
@GrowingGrannie, Thanks! I think it could be better but she's right in the middle of the pack. I've got quite a few banner seeds. If I take a liking to it it may only do that next run 😁
GrowingGrannieweek 12
Why is it I didn't know you were growing a Bruce Banner, too?! This is wonderful... will look forward to the smoke report! Kudos!
@GrowingGrannie, Oh idk I thought you knew 😂. She was by far the biggest yielder. I did do a tester when I put it into grove bags so no cure just dried. It was enjoyable. Mine was definitely a sativa leaning effect. Little body stone, big head buzz. Tasted good to boot. Like a little bit of pine with earthy undertones and a bit spicy on the backend. I'm sure that'll develop more with a cure but good on all counts so far.