Struggling with burnt leaf tips, and a slightly slow, stunted looking plant Lowered ph and added calmag in an attempt to help plant. Humidity was double what it was supposed to be up until the last three days.
Hey man, maybe can be usefull for you take a look to my diary. Is my first time ever, and I decided to do it in DWC. Almost done, happy growing! 😁 I suggest to follow specially @SwissKush, he's a DWC Master!
@DeepWaterGrower, wow, this strain is an absolute legend, best of luck in your DWC! (: looking so far so good! PH will be best at 5.5-6.0 this stage. 😍
WOW, 12 GALLONS! I like this, these roots will have so much space! Very nice!
(taking too many pictures of the roots though... exposing your pool to too much air will eventually allow pathogens into you pool)
Happy Growing!!