Welcome to my sponsored kannabia run.
Week 2, VD 8-10 just amazing growth, literally can't get over it. Best growth so far from any auto I've grown so far. I'm blown away. Tis a welcome sight, as most my plants have suffered while I've been suffering from a bout of covid, again. Pity they didn't all soilder through.
VD11-14 she is doing the best out of the whole lot. Seems to be growing decently, she has taken the low RH & high temperatures well....also, I noticed a few of my plants were showing very light signs of trouble in between vains. More so on my fems, but that also could be down to been root bound.
Thanks to the 2 reps I dealt with from kannabia and marshydro led lights.
Use code GGS at any marshydro site for a small discount.
Do me favour. Stay off my diaries. I don't want or need your Input. And I haven't received any seeds, I knew were a snake from the 1st time you said you hadnt got round to doing it. I wonder how many other people you've promised seeds and not sent them, or told them they must have been lost. Stay out of my way, and I'll stay out of yours.
@gottagrowsometime that what I said to you days ago, stay out my way but no you gotta show off to your boys and get all Barry Big balls, you wanna hope that parcel doesn't come fool.
The strain name alone sounds absolutely delicious 😍
The detail of your diary's blow me away outstanding work!
Looking beautiful best of look with your grow ill be following along! 🙏💚