Kiwi Kush, my how she flies when the mood gets her. And believe me its not easy to get her mood right indoors...I use a bare minimum of premix Fert as premixing feed like I do with my other strains would all but kill her and render her completely fruitless. I top dress when I see signs of slowing growth or yellowing leaves ..I leave her to tell me what she needs..if I dont all efforts go out the window. I hope you enjoy watching this grow. This is my one true cannabis love ...all strains pale compared to her imo...its because we have evolved together over the last 25+ years (its actually 27years at the end of this season) that I have this affinity for it. I just wish I could share the smell and taste and medicinal value via this medium..alas we are a way off being able to do that. Till then sticky buds everyone!
Day 3 Flowering, She was in need of a defoliation...she is often. Looking fabulous!
@Ancient_Genetics, This strain is defined by bright pink Pistils when maturing and the smell of crushed mint, ripe berries and rose that order. This is the pollen im looking to collect this season to renew my stocks.😉😎