
Mini male

2 years ago
Domina nera x ¿?
Room Type
12-12 From Seed
weeks 1-3
Grow medium
Grow medium
0 L
Pot Size
0.5 L
Grow Conditions
Week 1
12 hrs
Light Schedule
12+ conditions after
Grow Technique Usage
12-12 From Seed
Commented by
Franco123 Franco123
2 years ago
the plant has developed a lot this week but I notice a slight yellowing which I think is due to the fact that it has not yet received nourishment but that tonight it will receive and we will see what happens and if it settles in place, I will see what to do
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Grow Questions
Franco123started grow question 2 years ago
since the seeds are regular I ask can it be a boy?
Plant. Other
1 like
m0useanswered grow question 2 years ago
I cant tell right now. One pic if i look at it weird kinda looks like maybe a pistil but it could also maybe be a new leaf, it just needs more time. I would wait a bit more before you make the choice to kill it or use it. Typically the sex should start to show aorund week 5 to 7 for me, it will show pre-sex traits in females "pistils out of the stems and joints" and if its a male it will start to grow balls. These will be more noticeable, they grow in packs and tend to be football shaped or like a coco pod. familiarize yourself with swollen calyxes as they can be mistaken for balls quite easily and sometimes people will kill a plant thinking it is a hermi. Best Of Luck!

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love_2_growcommentedweek 02 years ago
Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱
Natronacommentedweek 32 years ago
Did you want a male with intent on breeding anew strain?
Franco123commented2 years ago
@Natrona,and excuse me if I take the liberty of saying that in my opinion autoflowering plants are not for beginners precisely because they have fast vegetation and if one makes a mistake they must solve it quickly because the plant has an internal clock for flowering when it arrives at that time flowering begins and if yes and mistakes made have repercussions in a poor harvest and high current consumption if you count the 18 20 hours of light that you have to give them, I would recommend a photoperodic feminized like skunk 1 to a beginner and that with a minimum of control and I mean a basic fertilizer kit following the fertilization schedules and regulating the ph with a 25l pot and a 3 week vegetation at 18 hours then switch to 12 to get them into flower and keep until the end so you can be sure that a skunk 1 will reward you with at least 50 grams, unlike an autoflowering if the conditions are not perfect the harvest will be poor what i say is just my opinion
Franco123commented2 years ago
@Natrona, hi, I can give you some advice, looking at your diaries that you have too high a temperature, signs 28 and 29, adult plants tolerate this temperature, to make the seeds germinate and for the first stages of seedling try to regulate the temperature and keep it lower and you will see that the plants first of all are born calmly and do not curl their leaves like this, you will see that you will be luckier
Natronacommented2 years ago
@Franco123, interesting. I'm staying with fem autos. Think they are easier for beginners. But im not very successful yet. My 3rd try 😞
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Pure_Instinto_Seed_Bankcommentedweek 12 years ago
Te deseamos mucha suerte en el sorteo, ojalá que podamos ver nuestras genéticas en tu próximo cultivo!! 😃🌱
Franco123commented2 years ago
@Pure_Instinto_Seed_Bank,or having seen your varieties, I gave it and I tell you that perhaps you will see a King's Banner
DYNOMYCOcommentedweek 32 years ago
Nice choice!