Germinated Moby Dick, Jack Herer and Critical Kush seeds in glasses of water (on a seedling heat mat, it's very cold in here). Temp of water was 23C. All of the seeds had tiny sprouts in 2 days.
After sprouting I moved the seedlings to 10cm plastic pots. Substrate is a coco coir based mix with perlite, clay pebbles, worm humus etc. Growing these in a tiny greenhouse for now with 23C air temp inside.
10w is not a lot and will not do well in the long run. if its just for the first little leaves till you switch to a bigger light then its ok.
ideal is 100w led high efficiency lighitng per plant. CFL and HID lighting have different values of watts per plant.
Good Luck!
Seeding do not need light in germination till the leaves are open to get light. Warmth, and moist is about all they need to germinate. Well, Plus dark. I run my light for warmth. Plus I dome seed if in substrate till sprout.
60 Watt ist nicht viel, stimmt. Aber es geht. Nur unten solltest du dann lollipopping machen. Dafür reicht die Lichtleistung dann doch nicht. Viel Glück, bisher sieht es gut aus.