
Green poison y melón gum

2 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 3
12 hrs
Light Schedule
8+ conditions after
Commented by
Mimbra Mimbra
2 years ago
Ya van por la 3 semana de flora y empiezan a salirle pelos ,la poison es hembra menos mal que no le salían pelos ,ahora tengo otro problema se me están poniendo las hojas grandes amarillas ,imagino que nitrógeno hoy las he regado con celta nueve y con alga grow por si acaso era defi de nitrógeno como las veis ????antes de este riego estaba hechando crecimiento Bloom de Bloom notrients y tuvieron una sobrealimentación por nitrógeno ,le hice lavado de raízes y parece que me pide nitrógeno
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Grow Questions
Mimbrastarted grow question 2 years ago
Hola buenas tengo una melón gum y una Green poison en tercera semana de floración y se me está poniendo amarilla ,he hechado alga grow hoy por si es nitrógeno que opináis pasar por mi diario
Plant. Spaces between nodes
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
You don't have any information on nutrients you're giving her - but at this stage of their growth, they want a lot of P and K - not so much nitrogen! The nitrogen, if given too much, will cause a lockout of calcium and phosphorus and other essential micronutrients. You'd want to reduce the nitrogen you're giving and punch up the P and K.... if you haven't been giving any nutrients, then yes, a small amount of nitrogen will also be essential... I would get them on a good routine of a decent cannabis nutrient - a little bit of the grow nutes and more bloom nutes... Good luck!
Mimbrastarted grow question 2 years ago
Hola si he estado abonando en crecimiento con Candy crecimiento la sobrealimente y le hice un lavado de raíces luego pase a floración y aboné con Candy boom ,empezaron a ponerse las hojas grandes amarillas y hoy aboné con celta 9 y alga grow
Plant. Other
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
I'm really unfamiliar with your nutrients but from what I can find out about them, the Candy Boom doesn't have any phosphorus in it at all ... and did you mean Delta 9?? If so, it seems to be a better grow nutrient than a bloom nutrient... and the Alga Grow (I assume this is Plagron) has an NPK of 4-2-4 which again is giving your plant grow nutes, not bloom nutes. If you want to grow with Plagron, I would suggest their Alga Bloom combined with their PK 13-14 - these will provide your plant with far more of what it needs right now. As it is, I'm afraid you might be creating another nitrogen toxicity between the Candy Boom and the Alga Grow. Good luck again! I know you'll get this sorted out well!!
Mimbrastarted grow question 2 years ago
Hola tengo una deficiencia de potasio la pregunta es ,tengo que hacer lavado de raíces ? Por quema de nutrientes aboné con alga grow hasta la segunda semana de floración ,o será deficiencia por no haber abonado con P -k y con añadir el Monster bloom y floración se arreglará ?
Plant. Too short
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cannabiscult_ccanswered grow question 2 years ago
to your questions: what is your ph? check maybe at first, because if the ph is not correct, your plant cant take nutrients and elements, even they are present in the soil.
Mr_Incognitoanswered grow question 2 years ago
Hi there! Have you measured feeding and runoff with EC or TDS meter? I don’t think she had nute burn. Probably you misread the symptoms. Leaf tips discolouration is not always the sign of overfeeding. It can be a sign of Ca or K deficiency. Nute burn doesn’t cause yellowing of the older leaves. Young leaves will likely be first to suffer from that. Nitrogen toxicity would not cause yellow fan leaves. But overall underfeeding surely would. In my opinion you simply don’t follow the proper NPK ratio. Giving separate doses of Nitrogen and PK is just weird also. You need to make a proper solution for bloom phase following feeding chart of your nutrients manufacturer. Then you need to water your plant with mid-strength solution, just about 500 ppm (EC 1.0), water the plant VERY SLOWLY till 10-20 % runoff, and measure runoff ppm. If you have something like 1000 ppm runoff that’s surely overfeeding. Also check pH. Raising pH means likely underfeeding, pH drop may be caused by salt build up. If runoff ppm is the same as your solution, you may raise feeding ppm a little bit. If it’s lower than inflow, the plant is definitely hungry. Your issue is caused mostly by wrong and unstable NPK ratio I guess.

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MrGrowthSpurtcommentedweek 52 years ago
Way to stick it out, sometimes it can be difficult to access and fix the issue, the buds look like they are developing well, good luck with the rest of your grow💪
Sweet_Seedscommentedweek 22 years ago
Thank you very much for sharing a new diary with one of our strains. 😊 We hope you enjoy it. 😋 Sweet smokes, - Apolo
Mimbracommentedweek 32 years ago
Ya veo ya putos , pero podías haberme contestado tú a lo que me pasa jaja creo que era defi de nitrógeno al hacerle el lavado de raíces se quedó sin nitrógeno y las dos semanas primeras de floración estiró y gasto el suministro ,próximo riego con boom floración y Monster bloom