Day 27
Thrips are back :( stupid me cut off the first set of leaves where all the predator mites were hanging out... i assumed they were dead and the thrip war had been won. Ah well, I've ordered some more which should be here in a couple of days.
She's trucking along nicely though :) the flower stretch has begun. She's not gonna be a big plant but regardless I think she'll bud nicely. Excited to try a new 1:1 strain.
Struggling with humidity levels at the moment, I think it's mostly due to how many pots I have in the tent. Probably going to go back to HPS lighting, or if I can fit it, HPS + LED.
She's had a 1ml feed of flower nutes and is taking it well.
EDIT: I have installed my HPS light again (at 250watt), as well as LED. So a hybrid system. HPS is only on for 12 hours during the night till morning (for power reasons, and heat). It has solved the humidity issue :)