Well, here it is, the day xv, the day that I have been waiting for and imagining for so long
I think that in a week the bush has ripened, it was not in vain that the brother said to wait and here is the result in the photo. A lot of foliage turned yellow, just do I like it when you bring the bush from start to finish, ideally. The eye rejoices at such a photo, but there are also various force majeure, such as mold, extreme heat on the street or cold, then the light was turned off, then there is no water, different things can happen and the bush will no longer be the way it was originally wanted. I can give myself a 4 out of 5 on a scale that seems to be ideal, but it seems that there are jambs in technique, earlier it is necessary to put in the box and the skrog is a bit high, but otherwise everything is fine.
There was no mold on more than one cone, it also happens rarely, more often there is something on 1-2 branches. So I consider it as such a strong plus for me. The weather is complete rubbish, rain-turning into snow t0 degrees. A separate respec to Jah that made it possible for the bush to reach the end. I was most worried about this moment, that on any day the temperature could drop below 20 degrees and then my heater would not help me, but this moment was bypassed, so I am very glad.