I cannot believe how bushy she is! Very very short internode length. I'm wondering if I have an indica dominant plant? ๐ญ
But anyway, she is doing her thing this week. She only grew 9cm this week. Nutrients this time are 20-20-20 NPK powdered fertiliser I'm trying this time around. About 1.2 grams mixed with 10L of water makes ~1000ppm. My clean water alone is ~350ppm of that.
I do have a CO2 bag generator thing... It's not doing a lot though. My CO2 meter reads barely over 400ppm.........
Your buds look amazing my friend and I believe congratulations are in order. You put in the work and time over the last few months and it has given you some beautiful results. I wish you all the best in your next grow and I'm so happy for you that this grow has turned out as beautiful as it has. Cheers my friend and happy smoking!