Mother Plant was grown from seed, germinated the 4th of december 2022, by the 8th I trasplanted her to organic soil and she was and still is healthy. On 21/01/23 I accidentally broke the two apical stems trying to LST and used them as cuttings in my first attempt to clone, I simply stuck them in a bought premixed soil with coco and some compost, they took a while to root but both did and are now healthy plants so I decided to start taking cuttings contantly and try to make a perpetual grow cycle. I now have three tents, a small (80x80x160) for the mother plants, a medium (100x100x200) for veg and a big (150x150x200) for flower. Theres nothing automated in the tents other that the light cycle. I'm also using ceramic cones as dripping watering and occasionally manually water with some seaweed extract. As sustrate I'm using Klasmann Ts3 and adding compost, vermicompost and solid organic amendments (bone meal, bat guano, blood meal, fish meal, gypsum salt, and a little bit of azomite and dolomite) I also germinated two new KeroseneKrash from Dutch Passion to get a new phenotypes, I'll take cuttings and keep the plants from seed as mothers.
15/02/23 First time I'm taking cuttings to get clones, I took ten cuttings with some variation in lenght, thickness and location in mother plant. I submerged the cuttings instantly in rainwater and started to remove all but last two nodes and then I chopped the tips of big fan leaves. I also scrapped 2cm from the bottom of the stem and used Clonex rotting gel to place them in jiffy pellets.
16/02/23 Cuttings look fine, humidity is 99% and temperature 29.5 °C
18/02/23 Cuttings still look good, I'm only checking one for root development although it is early. I didn't notice any roots, moreover my dome seems to be leaking humidity.
23/02/23 Still no signs of rooting
24/02/23 (Day 10) Still no root development, I realized I'm cooking the cuttings at 30 Celsius so I moved the dome to a different tent with lower light intensity and temp is now reading 26 Celsius and humidity at 91%
25/02/23 Checked on the cuttings and found two are starting to show roots. Also found a burnt tip with mildew which I instantly cut from the plant, seems the high humidity and temperature were causing trouble. No with lower temperature (24 Celsius at night 26 celsius with light) and lower humidity (85%) they look much healthier.
26/02/23 Five cuttings showed roots, they all look fine.
27/02/23 More cuttings are rooting.
28/02/23 More root development all but one showed roots.