Into the second full week in the tent, noticing more leaf sets beginning to form, but they aren't growing quite as quickly as I expected them to. I imagine that its from all the stress as seedlings and Im starting to wonder if they will be a little stunted but Im planning on letting them veg for a little extra time so that they will be big and healthy plants in flower. I am still battling humidity issues humidity wont drop below 68% and has been as high as 80% at times. I don't have enough extra money to go and buy a dehumidifier so they are just going to have to deal with it, Im wondering if the high humidity is causing the slow growth rate but I will learn more about that as I continue this grow. I began to notice what I thought looked like nutrient deficiency so I fed with FFGrowBig diluted so that it wouldn't damage the plants but so that they can have a little nutrient. Looking back on this I think that my soil was actually too hot for the babies and that my babies were getting too much nutrient not too little. Other than all that the plants have been growing well and I'm continuing to see new growth. I am starting to be able to see some single roots along the bottom and sides of the planters, I'm planning to purchase new soil and buckets to transplant into soon.
@HighTV, Thanks for checking in!! I've definitely made my fair share of mistakes with this one since it's my first grow but this strain has been extremely forgiving and has been a fantastic one to learn on. I definitely want to run this strain again but next time I really want to get some actual Kens GDP from Seedsman instead of running bag seed. If mine comes out looking anything like yours Im going to be a very happy guy!
It turned out to be a mite called hypoaspis miles. I thought they were spider mites and spent like two weeks trying to kill them until I found out that they were beneficial and kill fungus gnats haha