n an ironic twist that even Mother Nature might chuckle at, the cannabis plants and their neighboring wild black raspberry bushes have unwittingly engaged in a game of gastronomic hide-and-seek with the local critters. As if exchanging secret notes, the birds and insects seem to have collectively decided that the tender cannabis leaves are the preferred hors d'oeuvres over the nearby wild raspberries. It's as if they've formed a rather unconventional alliance to keep the growers on their toes, sprinkling a touch of black humor amidst the lush greenery. In this peculiar theater of nature's quirks, the grower might find themselves both bemused and bewildered by this unexpected twist in the ongoing drama of cultivation.
I suspect birds to pray on my Auto-females! Have implemented a counter, lets see if it works. The wild black raspberries next are doing much better than my plants :D.