D23 - 10.10 - Managing and unseasonable heat wave and having already stored my A/C, been a bit nerve wracking.
After exploding with growth the past week, I realized I was going to need to top and LST my good auto to keep it a reasonable distance under the lights. So I did 👍 We'll see how it responds, but I think it's plenty happy as it started to show its sex.
D25 - 10.12 - The nerves are really on edge over here as I've discovered a broad/russet mite contam in my main veg tent, where these were originally growing a week or so ago. I've treated all my plants with insecticidal soap and Neem oil before lights out two days in a row to try an nip this.
Taking any and all advice on how to get rid of this asap. Going to pick up some heavier duty miticide today and have predatory mite and lady bugs on the way.