- tent - 60cm/60cm
- light - sun2 ultimate 2, 130w, Osram 3.24, Samsung Lm301b, Seoul 385nm, Seoul 395nm, Seoul 405nm
- ventilation - 2 x axial inline fan 180 m3/h
- clip fan - 180 m3/h
- soil - canna terra professional
- nutrients - mix of canna terra, ta, advanced
- scrog - home made of polietilen pipes with 8cm/8cm squares
i made a small plastic cup with soil, then i did drainage hole by red-hot needle, then i spilled water and put a seed to a depth of about 5-7 cm, at third day i got a sprout, at the end of third day plant grwo up with a hat, and i put it under lights, at the fourth day i saw a first leafs