29 October:
Pinhas getting better i think. EC is under control (1.5 mS) but Ph runoff gives me higher Ph reading than what i feed her.
Also, the top got broken some how (see pic), will be more careful. The branches still firmly grounded.
25 october update:
Changed medium because i found out the soil was too acidic. Also changed nutrients. Didn't grow much if any.
22 october update:
The electrical conductivity (EC) readings were significantly high, and the pH was at 4.8. I administered a thorough flush and transferred the plant to its final pot.
Despite numerous attempts to flush with water, the pH in the runoff remains low, with an input pH of 7 and an output of 4.8. Based on my understanding, it may take weeks for the soil's pH to return to a balanced state.
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Chilling_Racoons 👨🌾👩🌾
you can see its a lightburn, if you look at pic 3 and 6 in week 7
in pic 3 you see the yellow leaves, and then you take the covering leaves away, ( pic 6) and under that leaves, are green leaves, they have been protected
by the covering leaves.
the good thing is, hemp is resiliant, if you change your settings she will look much better ( the new leaves)