Plants seem to be happy this week. Right plant grew a lot in height, left plant filled out and just keeps getting bushier.
I moved the runt up to the top shelf since it decided to flourish and was catching up to the others in size. My plan is to not FIM this one so it can catch up to the others in height even if it doesn't yield as much.
Bumped up the EC, and keeping the pH a little under 6 as they seem to like that.
All plants are showing a few little pistils. I wish they could have vegged a little longer to grow bigger, but I think this will keep them a very manageable size. Might want to re-think my re-potting strategy next time as that has seemed to trigger flowering this time around.
Going out of town for a couple days, then back for a day, then away for 8 days. Going to be a good test of the automation. Weak point will be the humidifier tank I think, so ordered some hardware to try to add an external reservoir to keep it full.