Topping and defoliating. Yellow speckles suggestive of a pH or nute issue.Not concerned unless it turns out to be more serious, pests or mold.I rigged up a new spray bottle but I need to get to the store and pick some H2O2 and distilled water for a spray down, to prevent pests and mold in here. There have been fungus gnats, but now there are fewer of them. They probably laid eggs and died. So time for some oxyganization for the roots and leaves.ill pick up some distilled water too
But it's pretty much chop and top and keep the lights on.
Sure am glad I don't pay 6 dollars a seed.if these were feminized autos Id have to worry over this stuff. This is why I like just breeding my own photo periods
Update; Picked up some hydrogen peroxide and distilled water.i'll start by spraying only one leaf that is likely to be plucked anyway.
I mixed 3% hydrogen peroxide with and equal volume of distilled water. So I'll start with a 1,5% solution.
Update:I just sprayed all the leaves and flushed the soil with 1.5 % hydrogen per oxide solution. I will repeat this one more time during the week.