Wednesday 1/10 start of week 4
haven't watered/fed since 1/6, and plants show no sign of needing water or food, I will be watering them with just pH-balanced water the moment the leaves show signs of thirst(leaves/stems drooping)and hopefully get rid of the yellowing and browning.
the yellowing/browning seems to have stopped spreading since last week too, I thought it was nute deficiency but a couple of people on here told me it was nute burn/toxicity, and seems like they were right since it hasn't spread since.
the 40 ppm measurement is my water before adding anything to it, some people were confused and thought it was way too low.
I'll be measuring the ppm of the water after everything is mixed in the next time I feed them, I'll also be measuring the ppm and pH of the run-off water when the time comes
all the plants are growing slow and steady
Looking great man 😀 healthy plants besides the few yellow spots. I doubt a little bit if its ph or nutrients burn. Let her dry out for a few days and then do little flush to check your run off water. Better safe and double check PH because i had the exact same problems with my Lemon Haze
So that's Good adjustment with only phd water. The soil is still fresh and has a lot of nutrients in it now. No need to feed a lot now since this is still a young plant.
Make a good habbit of switching between plain and nutrients water every week untill she asks for more. Less is better in this stage, only 1/4 of recommended nutrients should be given now with a very slow build up.
Gonna follow along with this one
Happy growing 🙏
Looking great man 😃
Nice green colors on the leaves, keep feeding her this way with a little flush between sometimes
Big buds are on their way ❤️
Happy growing 🙏