Vote Now 🏆 for the Grow Awards 2025!


Approved by Fast Buds
6 years ago
Fission 300W Light Emitting Diodes/150W
Fission 300W Light Emitting Diodes/331W
Room Type
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
Week 1. Vegetation
6 years ago
3 cm
17 hrs
29 °C
65 %
27 °C
30 cm
Nutrients 1
Water 20 mll
I will try and update daily Germination requires 3 things - Darkness , Warmth , Water One thing i should mention - Growing autoflowers, is difficult to do well,why? because from the moment that seed sprouts, you have a finite amount of time before she is finished, so any fucking about with anything ( repotting,pests,nutrient issues) , will lower yield.You can sometimes get them finished in 10 weeks on 20/4 but unless you have a controlled environment its hard to go more than 18/6 without heat and humidity issues.Autoflower breeding has come a long way in the last 10 years,Fast Buds is one of the pioneers. Day 1 - Tuesday 16/10/18 Put into wet root it cubes , then into the net pots with the clay pebbles, then pots into my rooting dwc boxes , placed a dome over the top to increase the humidity . Day 2 - Weds , nothing happening yet ! Day 3 - Thursday , I think she has popped , not quite up yet , see pink picture Turned light on 17/7 , why ? because I think this is best @ 13-15,000 lux Bestva 800 (150 watt draw) Led approx £100 , I would buy the dimable cob version if you can .(900 or 1200) Day 4 - Friday , looks a little distorted , has she got three leaves ? night time took a pic on the G7 .... Day 5 - Saturday , definitely three leaves , might just be the first node , fingers crossed she will be fine , was quite worried she wouldn’t make it , gave her 20 ml of room temperature water , with a syringe onto the root it cube , Day 6 - Sunday , looking ok , nice and green , I’m hoping the roots will be into the reservoir by now , you have to love fast buds , the germination rates are almost 100% , I have included a picture with the rest of the pots , for reference , there is a gorilla glue and a tangiematic, two of my favourite Fast Buds strains , which I started around the same time , IMPORTANT- do no let the root it cubes dry out before the roots are into the reservoir , make sure the bottom of the net pot DOES NOT touch the water Day 7 - Monday , I checked the water level and the ph , it has lost a little due to evaporation , root is well into the reservoir , I will add some nutrients tomorrow, seed on top right has pushed up but no leaves, this is NOT a fast buds seed, just shows u,... i have also put more pebbles in to cover up the holes, it would be nice if they did a pot that didnt have holes all the way to the top !!! Building DWC - you can build a DWC quite easily , out of cheap items , the ones in this week , were made by a friend of mine (Kev) when he spotted the box at Poundland for £1 - all you need is a black plastic box ( black so no light penetrates the roots ) with a lid , a 127mm hole cutter , air pump with tube and air stone , 140mm net pots to go in holes , some clay pebbles , and root it cubes , I will make a little instructional video , the reason I put them in here is because I will transfer into my IWS oxypots , which are too big to go into the tent ,and as the led is better with small plants it’s much easier .
Grow Questions
BigDaddyKstarted grow question 6 years ago
Is this a mutant 3 leaf er ? Will it die ? Will it be special ? Is she upside down ?
Other. Harvest - Smoking
CRiSPrGrowanswered grow question 6 years ago
yeah man these things sorta happen you know, sometimes at the beginning of their life some seeds / gens struggle to reach for it you know but they can pull through and live a happy life in their custom homes 👌
Week 2. Vegetation
6 years ago
7.62 cm
20 hrs
29 °C
350 PPM
60 %
27 °C
30 cm
Nutrients 4
SHOGUN Samurai Hydrogrow A - Shogun
SHOGUN Samurai Hydrogrow A 1.5 mll
SHOGUN Samurai Hydrogrow B - Shogun
SHOGUN Samurai Hydrogrow B 1.5 mll
SHOGUN CalMag - Shogun
SHOGUN CalMag 0.3 mll
Day 8 - Tuesday 23/10,18 , I have added the nutrients into the Reservoir , she is making roots like you wouldn’t believe , over a foot long and branches , I will post a pic later , as I want the light off , talking of lights , the cycle is now 20/4 that’s 20 hrs of sun to 4 hrs of darkness , colour is good , leaves are quite fat . KEEP AN EYE ON PH AND EC DAILY !!! Lux @ 15,000 EC = +0.7 or 350 ppm Ph = 6.3 Day 9 - Wednesday , I checked the ph and a EC this morning , both were fine , put in about 50 ml of water , leaves getting fatter , roots are getting more dense and intricate Day 10 - Thursday , I tested the ph and EC , all was good, took a root shot for you Day 11 - Friday , tested ph and EC , all good , water level ok , ive noticed that it has actually turned around, can you see that? the leaves have turned..... from 10 to 4 to 6 oclock...!!! or am i losing it? lol..... Day 12 - Saturday , tested EC and ph , no water needed or nutes, leaves are green and getting bigger , look how compact the plants are , there is no stretching ,I have put more pebbles in to stop light leaks to the roots . Day 13 - Sunday - Checked EC and ph nothing needed Day 14 - Monday - Checked EC and ph , nothing needed , water level ok IMPORTANT 👁️ To prolong the lives of EC tester and ph tester ( digital ones ) ALWAYS WASH THEM OFF WITH CLEAN WATER AFTER EACH TEST 💯 you need to check the roots , in these pots if there is 2 in a system , they will become entangled and matted if you don’t lift them , EVERYDAY . Please note the pots are 14 cm in diameter
Week 3. Vegetation
6 years ago
11 cm
20 hrs
29 °C
350 PPM
60 %
27 °C
30 cm
Nutrients 4
SHOGUN Samurai Hydrogrow A - Shogun
SHOGUN Samurai Hydrogrow A 1.5 mll
SHOGUN Samurai Hydrogrow B - Shogun
SHOGUN Samurai Hydrogrow B 1.5 mll
SHOGUN CalMag - Shogun
SHOGUN CalMag 0.3 mll
Please see previous weeks for tips about DWC, I will post a video on week 1 , as soon as they are in the new oxypots, I have not changed the height of the LED it is still at approx 17,000 Lux Day 15 - Tuesday 30/10/18 -Checked EC and ph and the EC had risen , water level had fallen,so i added 75 ml of water to the reservoir, no nutrients needed. Day 16 - Wednesday - EC down added 2ml of A+B ph ok added 50 ml of water Day 17 - Thursday - Checked EC and ph , nothing needed Day 18 - Friday - Checked EC = ok , checked ph = 5.4 ?????? That’s why I have my ph set at 6.3 , it dropped almost 1 ph in a day !!!!!!!!! So I mixed up a solution with 1 ml of ph up in about 20 ml of water and added it slowly , ph is now 6 Day 19 - Saturday - Checked EC ok , ph ok Day 20 - Sunday - ph ok , EC bit low added 2 ml A+B in 10 ml of water Day 21 - Monday - ph ok, EC down added 2ml A+B in 10 ml of water When adding nutrients, its best to never squirt pure into the reservoir as it can cause burning, so i always use a bit of nutrients and fill the remainder of the syringe with water. ( 10ml or 20 ml syringe )
Week 4. Vegetation
6 years ago
20 cm
20 hrs
29 °C
350 PPM
60 %
27 °C
30 cm
Nutrients 4
SHOGUN Samurai Hydrogrow A - Shogun
SHOGUN Samurai Hydrogrow A 1.5 mll
SHOGUN Samurai Hydrogrow B - Shogun
SHOGUN Samurai Hydrogrow B 1.5 mll
SHOGUN CalMag - Shogun
SHOGUN CalMag 0.3 mll
Lux@20,000 Day 22 - Tuesday 6/11/08 - EC was down added 2ml A+B, ph = ok Day 23 - Wednesday - Added 2ml of A+B , ph ok - had a defoliate , removing the big shade leaves to get more light to the tops.took away all the shit at the bottom. Day 24 - Thursday - Added 3ml of A+B , 100 ml of water , ph ok 👍 Day 25 - Friday - Moved into the IWC Oxypots (19l) - Changed to Bloom Nutrients - EC 1.7 (+1.2) , ph 6.2-6.3 - Did a bit of defoliation - see pics Day 26 - Saturday - Added approx 200ml of water, ph ok , EC ok Day 27 - Sunday - lazy day , didnt have to do anything , now they have big roots its all keeping an eye on the ph Day 28 - Monday - added 2 litres of water + 3ml A+B , did some more defoliation. I hope you guys appreciate all the work and detail in this diary, im sharing the knowledge that has taken my 25 years+ to help all the fellow growers out there, i was not the best 2 years ago, you can see by my diaries how far i have come, if you have any questions , now is the time !!
Grow Questions
BigDaddyKstarted grow question 6 years ago
When should you move the plants from these little DWC starter boxes?
Techniques. Defoliation
The_Projexxanswered grow question 6 years ago
I would say , as it gets harder for you to keep the res full but another good way to tell would be when you check your root system if its filling up a good portion of your bucket I would change the pots then too because it may give the same effect as being root bound . There's no real way for me to give a real answer unless i seen your root mass but based on what I'm seeing in the pictures your plants are big and healthy and likely have a bad ass root system , Never hurts to give them more room to expand and become more kick ass as a result your plants will become more robust and kick ass! I know Iam no master but i hope you have found this information useful on understanding when to change from the starter box . -Happy Growing!
Week 5. Flowering
6 years ago
35 cm
20 hrs
29 °C
550 PPM
60 %
27 °C
30 cm
Nutrients 7
SHOGUN Samurai Hydrobloom A - Shogun
SHOGUN Samurai Hydrobloom A 2.6 mll
SHOGUN Samurai Hydrobloom B - Shogun
SHOGUN Samurai Hydrobloom B 2.6 mll
SHOGUN Sumo Active Boost  - Shogun
SHOGUN Sumo Active Boost 2 mll
Lux @27,000 Day 29 - Tuesday 13/11/18 - We changed to flower nutrients with the move in to the Oxypots ( last week ) - added 1 litre of water , 3ml of A+B Day 30 - Wednesday - Added 2 litres of water , and 2ml A+B Day 31 - Thursday - added 1 litre of water , 2 ml of A+B , i took some closeups for you Day 32 - Friday - added 4ml A+B , 2 litres of water. Day 33 - Saturday -added 4ml A+B , 2 litres of water. Day 34 - Sunday - Added 2 litres of water ,4ml A+B Day 35 - Monday - Added 2 litres of water - 6ml of A+B - she is 46 cm high
Week 6. Flowering
6 years ago
50 cm
20 hrs
29 °C
600 PPM
60 %
27 °C
30 cm
Nutrients 7
SHOGUN Samurai Hydrobloom A - Shogun
SHOGUN Samurai Hydrobloom A 3 mll
SHOGUN Samurai Hydrobloom B - Shogun
SHOGUN Samurai Hydrobloom B 3 mll
SHOGUN Sumo Active Boost  - Shogun
SHOGUN Sumo Active Boost 2 mll
Lux @ 35000 Day 36 - Tuesday 20/11/18 - Changed the reservoir today with new solution Day 37 - Wednesday - added 1 litre of water. ph and EC ok Day 38 - Thursday - did a little more defoliation, added 6 ml of A+B, 1.5 litres of water - you can see the hairs coming out . Day 39 - Friday - im a bit worried about the light green of the leaves, i hope its just because they are new, i changed the reservoir just in case . Day 40 - Saturday - added 1 litre of water and 2ml A+B - just starting to flower Day 41 - Sunday - i think ive figured out why the leaves are coming out slightly yellow, this lady is eating nutrients like none before, i had to add 10 ml of A+B today, ph is stable but she really does need more nutrients than others i have grown. added 2 litres of water, she is getting so bushy,im just glad she doesnt shoot up to the ceiling !!! Day 42 - Monday - Had a panic as i d thought id missed a day , but i have nt lol , did a pretty extensive defoliate today , letting the light into the bush, its getting very wide, i might have to pin the pot down shortly with the washers, added 10 ml A+B and almost 3 litres of water, she is really drinking and eating now....roots are pretty massive.....
Week 7. Flowering
6 years ago
73 cm
20 hrs
27 °C
600 PPM
55 %
25 °C
30 cm
Nutrients 7
SHOGUN Samurai Hydrobloom A - Shogun
SHOGUN Samurai Hydrobloom A 3 mll
SHOGUN Samurai Hydrobloom B - Shogun
SHOGUN Samurai Hydrobloom B 3 mll
SHOGUN Sumo Active Boost  - Shogun
SHOGUN Sumo Active Boost 2 mll
Day 43 - Tuesday 27/11/18 - changed the reservoir with fresh solution , getting a few mottled under leaves that suggest cal mag issue , or possibly ph , but I have double checked both of these so fingers crossed , I measured her today with my metre ruler and she is 73 cm tall , looks very bushy , I took a light on pic with my iPhone , and made you a little video 😜 I should just add , there are 3 plants in this picture , look back to week 5 and you will see , the lemon is very bushy , gorilla is tallest , Tangie seems to be fastest 👁️ I have also changed the temperature and humidity slightly. Day 44 - Wednesday - I have included the ruler for scale today, i see so many good pictures on here but the size can be questionable, so also proof i own a 1m , topped up with about 1.5 litres of water, EC was ok and ph perfect. If there are any pictures you would like to see please comment , with a little description. Day 45 - Thursday - I dont know what happened yesterday but she had drunk so much water ( added 3 litres + ) and needed 10 ml of A+B , Day 46 - Friday - Added 12 ml A+B and about 3 litres of water, she is in her super feeding stage, this week she has been devouring everything, some of the leaves I think are showing signs of under feeding but I really think its the strain on the plant as she tries to buildit is really tempting to up the nutrients but once you burn it, its never the same.I made you a video, enjoy. Day 47 - Saturday - Added 3 litres of water , 12 ml A+B ( I mix it 6 at a time in 20 ml of water syringe ) Day ( insert generic day here ) - JOKE , Day 48 Sunday - still eating and drinking like a monster, i measured her at 89 cm today, added 3 litres of water ,12 ml of A+B DRAMA ALERT - DRAMA ALERT Day 49 - Monday - added 10 ml Of A+B and 3 litres of water, came home later an found the electric had tripped, usually this is just a case of flipping the switch, but this time it kept on tripping, so i went through the painstaking unplugging of everything, and had literally unplugged every fucking thing , when i finally ( at my wits en after 2 hrs ) found the fucking culprit,excuse my language but i find that cursing really does help, i think its a middle age thing,and it was.............. A SIX INCH FAN , you know the little clip on one. anyway i added a couple of tAnGiEmAtIc PICS TODAY TO MAKE ME FEEL BETTER ... A WORD OF ADVICE IN DWC SYSTEMS, DO NOT HAVE MULTI PLUG EXTENSIONS ON THE FLOOR, CABLE TIE THEM TO THE SIDES OR THE TOP, THIS WILL PREVENT ACCIDENTAL WATER SPLASH!!
Grow Questions
BigDaddyKstarted grow question 6 years ago
Buds. Not fattening
HighTVanswered grow question 6 years ago
You can always try the classical approach and get a 12$ handheld microscope from amazon to look at the Trichomes! When looking at the Trichomes ideally you want as many Cloudy/amber trichomes as possible while minimizing the clear. Most people shot for the mass majority to be cloudy for a mental high, but some people enjoy the body feel that amber trichomes give. Personally I shot for 75%+ cloudy regardless of clear or amber. Be sure to prepare for the week of flushing when judging the harvest window based on Trichomes! I may not have helped you @BigDaddyK but I hoped I helped someone 😎
Week 8. Flowering
6 years ago
98 cm
20 hrs
27 °C
600 PPM
55 %
25 °C
30 cm
Nutrients 7
SHOGUN Samurai Hydrobloom A - Shogun
SHOGUN Samurai Hydrobloom A 3 mll
SHOGUN Samurai Hydrobloom B - Shogun
SHOGUN Samurai Hydrobloom B 3 mll
SHOGUN Sumo Active Boost  - Shogun
SHOGUN Sumo Active Boost 2 mll
Day 50 - Tuesday 4/12/18 - Today is my birthday I’m 47 , yeah great , as with all ladies dramas always lead onto further dramas , last night the power tripped again , and was off for 5 hrs , I opened up to see this ,FUCK , there was no water in the reservoir and she didn’t look great , my first thought was there must be a leak , but on further examination it became clear I forgot to plug the air pump s back on . I’m not sure if she will pull through , I fking hope she does , it shows you how quick things go Pete Tong in DwC , please all give me hopes and likes , because 1 like = 1 prayer .lol fingers crossed 🤞 I should add - first thing I did was add plain water , then after 30 mins I refilled the reservoir with fresh solution So upon further investigation I found an air pump which had failed , subsequently the water sucked back and probably shorted in the night . Day 51 - Wednesday - doesn’t look that great 😩 bottom is still lifeless , I sang I will survive to her , gave her a misting ,told her I’d buy her a Gucci handbag if she made it ,topped up with 1/2 litre of water It’s touch and go here , it might look like it’s getting better but the leaves are yellowing quite drastically.. these next few days are critical Day 52 - Thursday - she is not drinking or feeding much at all , I think I will have to remove some of the damaged sides ,leaves continue to yellow , this was a major trauma for her Day 53 - Friday , I decided to take off the branches that haven’t recovered , she isn’t eating or drinking which is a worry , the Tangie and the gorilla look better. Day 54 - Saturday - she looks like she might be improving , I showed the Tuesday picture to a fellow grower and he said that looks dead , if she can recover that will be a miracle ....... she had drunk about 500ml of water in the last 3 days , that’s why I’m so worried 😟 Day 55 - Sunday - I promise you all this is happening real-time , today is Sunday 9/12/18 , what is becoming apparent, this plant was so stressed , I mean we are talking catching you in bed with her sister stressed , I have reassured her this was the only time it’s going to happen , and she might just be showing some signs of recovery , I added 500 ml of water ,2ml A+B Day 56 - Monday - Tangie and Gorilla are back eating and drinking , Lemon i think is recovering, she had not drunk a lot , maybe 500 ml but I think is looking healthier, also a weird double Bud has appeared .
Week 9. Flowering
6 years ago
98 cm
20 hrs
27 °C
600 PPM
55 %
24 °C
30 cm
Nutrients 7
SHOGUN Samurai Hydrobloom A - Shogun
SHOGUN Samurai Hydrobloom A 3 mll
SHOGUN Samurai Hydrobloom B - Shogun
SHOGUN Samurai Hydrobloom B 3 mll
SHOGUN Sumo Active Boost  - Shogun
SHOGUN Sumo Active Boost 2 mll
Day 57 - Tuesday 11/12/18 - she is eating again , I added 6ml A+B and about 1 litre of water , I’m not sure what will happen because of the issue last week , I would assume the buds will be smaller . Day 58 - Wednesday - definitely back drinking, i changed the reservoir today , looking better i think...the smell of lemon is incredible, everything i pull off , makes my hands stink of lemon... Day 59 - Thursday - topped up with 1 litre of water , lovely froth on the top , its a good thing , I will take a picture , touching the buds and all I smell is lemon , with an edge Day 60 - Friday - added 1 litre of water and 6 ml A+B Day 61 - Saturday - added 1.5l of water , 9 ml A+B , made you a video of the tent ,I should say the TANGIE is being dragonforce d , as it’s further ahead , Day 62 - Sunday - added 1.5 litres of water and 10 ml A+B - I would describe the smell as ice lemon 🍋 Day 63 - Monday - added 1.5 litres of water and 8 ml A+B
Week 10. Flowering
6 years ago
98 cm
20 hrs
27 °C
600 PPM
55 %
24 °C
30 cm
Nutrients 6
SHOGUN Samurai Hydrobloom A - Shogun
SHOGUN Samurai Hydrobloom A 3 mll
SHOGUN Samurai Hydrobloom B - Shogun
SHOGUN Samurai Hydrobloom B 3 mll
SHOGUN Sumo Active Boost  - Shogun
SHOGUN Sumo Active Boost 2 mll
Well she has definitely recovered, the frost is starting to appear.... Day 64 - Tuesday 18/12/18 - Added 3 litres of water, 6ml A+B - ph is stable. Day 65 - Wednesday - changed reservoir for fresh solution Day 66 - Thursday - added 1 litre of water , smells lovely Day 67 - Friday - added 2 litres of water and 6 ml A+B Day 68 - Saturday- added 2 litres of water and 6 ml A+B Day 69 - Sunday - added 2 litres of water and 6 ml A+B Day 70 - Monday - added 2.5 litres of water and 2 ml A+B Looks very frosty ,smell s very strong lemon
Week 11. Flowering
6 years ago
98 cm
20 hrs
27 °C
500 PPM
55 %
24 °C
30 cm
Nutrients 2
SHOGUN Dragon Force - Shogun
SHOGUN Dragon Force 4 mll
SHOGUN Sumo Active Boost  - Shogun
SHOGUN Sumo Active Boost 2 mll
Going into the flush phase of the grow for the Lemon AK - 1 week of Dragon Force and 1 week of RO water - you have to estimate when you think there is 2 weeks left, Day 71 - Xmas Day - refilled the reservoir with new solution , I think Tangie is ready , it has been dragonforced for 1 week and RO water for 1 week , that has really brought out the colours, Merry Xmas ALL :) Day 72 - Boxing Day - added 2 litres of water Day 73 - Thursday - added 1.5 litres of water Day 74 - Friday - added 3 litres of water starting to finish off , I reckon 7-10 days to end Day 75 - Saturday - added 2 litres of water Day 76 - Sunday - added 2 litres of water Day 77 - Monday - added 2 litres of water
Week 12. Flowering
6 years ago
98 cm
20 hrs
27 °C
55 %
24 °C
30 cm
Nutrients 1
RO WATER 4 mll
Final week - the aim is to flush the shit out of her with the purest water you can find ,this will greatly improve the taste of the smoke , the harshness will be gone Day 78 - New years Day - Hope you all have a good one :) - Changed reservoir , just Reverse Osmosis water 0-10 PPM , flushing the shit out of her now, super strong smell of lemon and you can clearly see the AK bud structure coming out Day 79 - Wednesday - added 2 litres of water Day 80 - Thursday - added 1.5 litres of water Day 81 - Friday - added 2 litres of water Day 82 - Saturday - added nothing going to starve her down. Day 83 - Sunday - added nothing , I’m going to empty flush tomorrow Day 84 - Monday - gave her a final flush through, left about 5 litres water in, i see a few amber trichs but only at the very top... I also got some new technology, it monitors your humidity and temperature, then sends the data via Bluetooth to an app on your phone , you can set the alarm ( the red lines ) so that they if it goes beyond the desired parameters, it will text you !!!!! Oh and the battery , lasts a year 😜
Week 12. Harvest
6 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
day 85 - Harvest - i will update when its ready. So it has an obviously fruity aroma , independently described as citrus , I smell lemon all the way from week 5 , it’s a lovely smoke which leaves your throat smooth and lemony , the high is functional and relaxing , expect 1-2 ounces in soil or 4-5 in DwC , I pulled 121 grams of lovely buds , I am always impressed with fast buds , they do what they say on the tin , but remember autos want nutrients more often than feminised , and this strain really devours in the flowering stages , to sum up its a nice tasting , function high suitable for the day , I would say it’s more sativa than indica , and the growth will support this , if you don’t defoliate or train early it could get tall Pros - Strong , lasting functional high , Cons - Smell , very smelly to grow I will grow this again
Show more
Spent 85 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
121 g
Bud wet weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Creative, Happy
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Lamp distance
I grew three plants under a 331 watt cob , this was the biggest , it liked defoliation, and would probably enjoy LST0 i really tried to give some buds a good trim, but i cant see very well so thats the best i could do...0 Big thank you to Fast Buds for the prize 😀😀😀😀😀


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SHOGUNcommentedweek 126 years ago
Yes Bro 👊 Great work with our range and made up for you to win the phone!
PharmaZcommentedweek 26 years ago
Homebargains or pound stretcher on the black boxes got exactly the same, use the lids for trays haha. Is L.a lemon ak anyone got this confirmed?
PharmaZcommented6 years ago
@BigDaddyK, Makes sense 😂
BigDaddyKcommented6 years ago
@PharmaZ,lemon is LA and CA is zkittlez.... I will have to make it first 😜
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@PharmaZ, Auto Zkitles mate cant wait to go zkits + dwc
Show More (2)
BeefWellingtonscommentedweek 16 years ago
Yeah, I agree with you with why no one makes net pots that are about 1-2 inches deep before making holes in them.
BeefWellingtonscommented6 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, that seems like what we are looking for but 110 for a few 6 in netpots sounds out of my range. Also, going by the pics there are a bunch of different kinds, not all the same? But yes, that first and second on would work perfect!
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@BigDaddyK, how would I know ? i don't click on links 😂😂😂😂😂
BigDaddyKcommented6 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow,is it 140 mm ?
Show More (11)
Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 86 years ago
Congratulöations!!!! to #1
OutForRealcommentedweek 16 years ago
Hello bro ! I had the same variation on a s1 cross I grew during the summer and it was the best yield from the 3 plants ( you can see it on my Instagram : picture #21)
BigDaddyKcommented6 years ago
@OutForReal,who knows maybe it was magic ☘️
OutForRealcommented6 years ago
@BigDaddyK,Thank you for the advices , I will give it a try soon to experiment DWC. And by the way , It seems that I was all wrong about your 3 leaves structure , it was just the cotyledons as I can see 😅👍
BigDaddyKcommented6 years ago
@OutForReal,if you want to improve yields you need a bigger light , and DWC is the optimum , I don’t really think you can truly understand the benefits until you give it a go , there is no waste apart from water , the way you can lock in the nutrients, the flush , the only downside is it seems to smell a bit less than soil , and if it goes wrong you are fucked .. Happy growing 👍
Show More (2)
MrGreenFingerscommentedweek 76 years ago
Looking great in the jungle as always brother 👊 Quick question for you, I've noticed you don't list anything in your nutes to keep root rot under control, no enzymes, hydroguard or peroxide based products so do you not think these work or have a beneficial effect? I ask because I've had issues this run as I decided to try out the air injection diffusers (ones you find on eBay made out of pipe and shaped) didn't check them and then did a res change so decided to check them and they were producing about 5 bubbles lol so my roots were sitting in stagnated water for a couple weeks, needless to say I got some root rot, anyway think I caught it just in time and have been using silver bullet roots ever since, was thinking about running silver bullets throughout next run, have you tried running a sterile res and if so what is your opinion on it?
BigDaddyKcommented6 years ago
@MrGreenFingers,problem is that smaller holes get clogged easier, just get a super powerful pump.. :)
MrGreenFingerscommented6 years ago
@BigDaddyK, thanks man, much appreciated, yeah in my mission to create smaller bubbles I thought I would try out the diffusers but never again! Air should never be my issue as I have a 40lpm pump for 2 buckets, anyway have changed back to having 2 6inch airstones in each bucked, they produce huge bubbles and a lot of turbulence but no root rot so will stick with these now, think I will give the silver bullets a full grow run out next round once I've got to the end of this nightmare run!
BigDaddyKcommented6 years ago
@MrGreenFingers, well i have never had roots issues, but my number 1 concern is always airflow, i use two balls per bucket to make sure there is never any problems, i have run the temperatures very high in the water as well, the absolute key is airflow to the roots, if you have enough bubbles they never get stagnant, the only isssue can be when you change the reservoir, for me thats every week in flower, so the solution is never more than 7 days old, i used to use Cannazym but now i just use the Katana roots, they seem to stay white, much better with the Katana. I use tap water that has been ph d to 6.3 and left out for over 24 hrs to breathe.
Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 26 years ago
very nice Photos, detailed diary....lovely
BigDaddyKcommented6 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar,I’m looking 👁️
Mrs_Larimarcommented6 years ago
@BigDaddyK, just finished with updating now you can look
BigDaddyKcommented6 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar,thanks I’m coming to have a look at yours 👍
HighTVcommentedweek 86 years ago
Idk what you told her week 8 but she did a hell of a recovery. That just even more of a reminder for me to check my airlines everyday. DWC feels nice but opening the tent for the first time everyday is a breath-holding moment. (or in my case looking at the camera) I still wouldn't trade Hydro tho
BigDaddyKcommented6 years ago
@HighTV,you can call me weedus 😜
Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 76 years ago
Psychedelic shots, getton stoned fromwatching the Pictures... very nice
BigDaddyKcommented6 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar,I thought the emptying the bucket was tranquil
PharmaZcommentedweek 36 years ago
Page 3? Haha
BigDaddyKcommented6 years ago
SHOGUNcommentedweek 16 years ago
Repping the SHOGUN feedchart like a boss! Good luck man.
BigDaddyKcommented6 years ago
@SHOGUN,thanks guys 👍
Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 16 years ago
And a Bow for the Hydro-master... nice to see you in the Compettition. Happy growing
BigDaddyKcommented6 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar,thanks bro / sister , good luck if you in 👍
Leeyumcommentedweek 126 years ago
That up close pic of her trichomes got me subconsciously biting my lip. Love the tech
Sgtosocommentedweek 86 years ago
I'm going to sacrifice a phatty in hopes of sending positive vibes for a speedy recovery. Happy Birthday!
Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 46 years ago
Big bushy lemonygirls.........😻
G_dylancommentedweek 126 years ago
so many nutes used this cycle..? end result= amazing,, I have so much to learn
BigDaddyKcommented6 years ago
@G_dylan,go with whatever you know , I have switched to shogun and the results speak for themselves , happygrowing 👍
G_dylancommented6 years ago
@BigDaddyK, DWC led setup is what im starting, I plan to follow this journal since its an auto seed aswell. I have general hydro flora nutes but will switch to shogun if it will make difference with the grow. What do you recommend?
BigDaddyKcommented6 years ago
@G_dylan, not that many 😜
bosgrowercommentedweek 56 years ago
You show topping as a technique but it doesn't look like you've done it this grow. I'm a couple of weeks behind you with Lemon AK and I was debating whether or not to top them since this is the first grow for this strain and I generally like to see how autos develop on their own the first time. Hope I can duplicate the fullness of these. Nice looking ladies
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@BigDaddyK, lollipopping ?
BigDaddyKcommented6 years ago
@bosgrower,I suppose with this plant ‘bottoming’ would be more appropriate l remove all the bottom
BigDaddyKcommented6 years ago
@bosgrower, i sometimes top my autos if they look like they are going to get too big, i mainly defoliate and pull the branches out a bit, the problem with topping autos is regrowth , and sometimes it just makes them smaller.. 👍
PharmaZcommentedweek 26 years ago
I’m glad you put that feed chart up because I did ask before what strength you used Shogun at those numbers look good nice and low👊🏻
BigDaddyKcommented6 years ago
@PharmaZ,I’ve added the silicon
PharmaZcommented6 years ago
@BigDaddyK, im using silicon Max I feel the same not sure if it helps in coco or hydro but In soil I had some really fat buds on plant I used silicon on up to end of stretch👍🏼
BigDaddyKcommented6 years ago
@PharmaZ,yes they are perfect , I use ever so slightly less , as you can see from my entries 👍 I don’t use the silicon , I’m not sur3 it matters
bosgrowercommentedweek 106 years ago
Welcome to the land of the lemony giants. Lemon AKs are looking great. Mine finally stopped stretching and are filling out. Can't wait !
BigDaddyKcommented6 years ago
@bosgrower,I think the bds might be tall and thin
BigDaddyKcommented6 years ago
@bosgrower,I coming to have a look , yours look good 👍
BeefWellingtonscommentedweek 86 years ago
Oh man, that sucks. I had a similar situation happen on my first grow, basin ran dry and I lost one plant, one stunted, and one pulled through.
BeefWellingtonscommented6 years ago
@BigDaddyK, no, actually yours is way more mature than mine was. She will pull through with support and first aid from you, but there is a chance it will effect your yield. But she is a big plant, you were going to get a phenomenal yield anyhow.
BigDaddyKcommented6 years ago
@BeefWellingtons, so in your opinion as a doctor she has a 1/3 chance of pulling thru..... :(
the end.
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