White Widow is almost done! I have just water for 2 weeks! 3/4 days to harvest! Big central bud very citrus smell! NL have long flower períod! JAck auto are a bit late but doing well! LETs wait
@qoodwater, I just saw you rated 1 star for GHE Bio Bloom, what is the problem with the product?
BTW I don't work for GH or GHE but I'm sure after using the product for more than 3 years, it's the best, tried many other organic bloom boosters but this is the best quality/value.
if you check a little bit online you can find that it has the highest rating 4.9/5, no other plant nutrient or enhancer has this high rating.
@Ace420, it was a mistake, i using biobizz products now and not from GHE! GHE it’s great i used with hidro long time ago and dont have nothing to say. High quality products.exelent results! About GHE in soil, never tried, but maybe change o e day! One more time sorry about that! Cheers
Mold is present everywere in nature and the only way is to prevent it.
Be sure that you remove every piece of it from the plant.
Try to gently move all the buds to see if the part in shadow is affected.
Try to shake it as less as possible, so the spores will not disperse over the plant.
After that, to prevent further mold:
try to keep the temperature a little higher (rh% will be reduced)
enough air extraction
enough air movement inside the room. Some people use summer fun, some pc fun, etc. just nothing too powerfull all the time in front of the leaves or you will burn them.
Usually the best is to put them so the air will be pushed towards the upper part. This because humidity is heavy and stay low, plus lamp heat can be stressfull if pointed to the leaves, causing an imbalance in temperature between canopy and soil.
It seems to me, that air movement is the problem you have.
If there is not enough air movement in the room, around the buds and the most bushy or in contact parts, rh will be much higher and even condensation can happen and mold will grow!
@OneDude, thanks a lot bro! Allready take all this mold! thers nota too much, and not inside the bud! Tomorrow i Will harvest and Dry, dont want to wait more! Thks for advice peace
@qoodwater, smelling the garden is always a pleasure i enjoy.... except for diesel ones! Those i like just to smoke 😥
I really miss the strawberry bubblegum! Wish you to taste it soon ;)
@OneDude, the smell is great! Floral, spicie and gumI love open grow just to smell! My grow have a mix of indica and sativa Strains so um curios about the results