
Learning curve - first grow complete beginner

10 months ago
Herbies USA Express
Growing it
I'm only just putting them in seed tray tomorrow with the other two strains I'm half way to having my tent up and in working order as soon as tent is operational I'm putting the last two of my outdoor attempt if they don't turn male first there coming in under lights
The Outcome
Week 1
Reviews. Lamp
Reviews. Tent
Commented by
stewiemac stewiemac
10 months ago
Week one So out with the bush and in with the hydro can't wait to start seeing new seeds sprout and start I'm also germinating some original glue and shiskaberry so hopefully they can go in tent together I like the idea of not always partaking in same bud as u get amune to its effect but if u have a few different strains then u never get used to one so u always get a good effect
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Grow Questions
stewiemacstarted grow question 10 months ago
So I have 3 different strains of autos I have original glue,zkittles auto ,and shiskaberry all three packets say souvenir what do they mean by it but my real question is can I mix these three strains and two unknown strains together will they all grow happily together under ligh
rickleanswered grow question 10 months ago
Wenn Du wissen willst, wie das funktioniert, dann schau Die mal meine Grows an. Ich habe nicht nur verschiedene Sorten (Chocolop, Hyperion, Afghan Kush) sonder auch verschiedene Stadien im Zelt. Ich meine, es funktioniert ganz hervorragend. An irgendeiner Woche habe ich jeweils einen Kommentar erfasst, dass meine Absichten bekunden.
AutoflowersSucKanswered grow question 10 months ago
I'm not a fan of it unless you have multiple lights that you can hang at different heights. Cuz they won't grow identical. Some might be tall and lanky, some might be squat and bushy as hell. Dealing with one strain that you really like is the way to go. Then you get to know what it likes and dislikes. You get to know it's growth pattern...etc..
m0useanswered grow question 10 months ago
They will all grow, but some of them will be different. Some may stay short other may stretch a lot. souvenir is just free or sample. Most seed banks give out freebies when you order. I recently did an auto tent with 6 different strawberry stains and some of them where small, others tall, some bushed out, others did not. some smelly some not, It worked out well for me, but I got lucky and they all decided to go into flower aorund the same time, some of the newer autos are vegging out for 7+ weeks sometimes and that can throw a giant wrench in the cogs of the tent. You can sometimes force them into flower with stress but its not ideal. Give it a shot and try it out. you can always use boosters for smaller plants to keep them at the same height as others, and use LST/HST to keep the really tall ones from strectching to much.

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stewiemaccommentedweek 010 months ago
Thank u for answering me I'm in the deep end here trying to paddle how bad would it be if I used tap water that's been pH instead of distilled or pure water still put nutrients in and pH it surly there can't b that much difference between em it's all water and what if I was to boil the tap water would that then make it pure and good to use in my reservoir and drip trays I guess if there's a big chance my plants could get really sick ill just wait till I can buy the water it's just expensive water cos u buy it at a hard where store thanks again for Ur
Frosted_Nuggetscommented10 months ago
@stewiemac, Plants do not like chlorine. If you use tap water (which usually contains it), let it stand for 24 hours before adding any nutes and then check/adjust PH level.
stewiemaccommentedweek 110 months ago
Wow that's high THC diffently night time