Minimal work to them this week as I am letting thing do their thing for the first 3 weeks of their cycles. They are still getting light watering and the soil is nutrient heavy. Officially day 12 of their lives as of 3/27. 3/29 I plan to transfer them outside into a greenhouse tent with protective covering from rain and any predators. Clear tarp for covering so hoping the warmth from the concentrated sunlight will help compensate for the temperature drop from inside to outside. If all was perfect I would keep them inside and do an indoor grow but outdoor grows are my only option at this point. Any and all advice is always appreciated, hoping to see more growth by the end of the week.
Update 3/28: Unfortunately, the Blackberry auto could not take to the soil well after transfer and died throughout the night:(. I have more seeds coming and another blackberry on hand, going to wait to germinate it though