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5 Seed Summer

5 months ago
Room Type
weeks 12
weeks 13
Grow medium
Grow medium
72 L
Pot Size
3.79 L
a year ago
Started wet toilet paper @5pm yesterday. Heating pad under ceramic plate 3 of 5 popped over night (14hours)!!! 4 of 5 opened as of 5pm today (24hours) waiting for last lady to emerge. Will check later her soil is already prepped. 5 of 5 tap root out 6am (37 hours Straight to soil FFOF cut with 25% perlite. Perlite rinsed and moistened added to soil all hydrated but not soaked Sunblaster LED strip nothing crazy. these are destined to be outdoors. But will spend the next few weeks indoors waiting for the weather to get better. The. Will harden off and let sunshine do its thing 🌹
Used method
Paper Towel
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
a year ago
5.08 cm
24 hrs
No Smell
0 L
0 L
5.08 cm
5 players still in the game. The light I’m using is completely Inappropriate for an indoor grow. But I think it will be sufficient for sprouting and the first few weeks. I have no solid validation but I think going with a super long light cycle through seedling isn’t the worst thing considering my light situation. They are not getting bombarded so I’m taking a risk and guessing it’s the right choice. Also using a heating pad to supplement warmth for the soil..hope that’s a good choice too.. Another concern early on is that since the light is weak I’ll be prone to stretching. So for now I’m keeping the lights on and close. Once it’s time to go outside I will reduce light to more natural cycle. If anything looks completely fuxked or if I’m doing something to cause later harm. I’m always willing to listen. I watered today a very little amount around the edge of the container.. shouldn’t have gotten the roots wet but hopefully added some moisture incentive for them to grow towards. Used warm water to add some humidity to my little grow done scenario I’ve made
Week 2. Vegetation
a year ago
7.62 cm
17 hrs
No Smell
0 L
0 L
17.78 cm
Day 17 The shortie is still a shortie but seems to be producing leaves at same rate as the others so I’m not really all that concerned. My temperature hasn’t t been reaching 75f regularly so perhaps that stunted early growth. They all have began to produce second and early 3rd set of true leaves. Nodes are pretty close but guessing they will grow as second and 3rd set emerges. Still 2 but realistically 3 weeks from outdoors. temp and weather seem to be improving 55ish daytime 45night . It’s been really wet this April.. All of them got water this week just a drizzle around the outside of the container.. Raised the height of the lamp might stretch them a bit which I think will be okay. Hopefully the structure will stay sturdy. Started using a clothing steamer to increase humidity in the little grow shanty in the morning after the lights come on Also didn’t realize that a clear container could jeopardize the root structure so I wrapped them in foil hoping that helps protect them
Week 3. Vegetation
10 months ago
6.35 cm
17 hrs
No Smell
0 L
0 L
12.7 cm
This week I made a series of mistakes.. First mistake my lights are not on a timer. I manually turn them on and off not historically a problem before this week. Second mistake I used a new grow light it is slightly more powerful but didn’t realize with that change the heat output would be that drastic. Mistake 1 and 2 converged when I was unable to get home and turn my lights off.. they stayed on for 24h and singed leaves and tips on 2 plants. Hopefully this isn’t catastrophic but it has humbled me. Third possible mistake is a slight over watering scenario. I think to make up for my malnutrition I over compensated and watered too much and exposed them to too much nutrients existing in the soil.. many say FFOF is too hot for babies.. maybe this watering is showing that but I’m not sure.. Im going with patience and observations and hopefully everything will even out over the next week. But surely will give less water and be more careful with lighting.
Grow Questions
OutdoorOperationsstarted grow question 10 months ago
What do I do with leaves that have already been crispied by lights.. leave them? Trim them? They aren’t hurting anything, or are they? Already moved the lights to resolve problem 1 but what do I do to keep things moving in the right direction?
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Robertsanswered grow question 10 months ago
It looks like she has been over watered. As long as your humidity is above 40 and below 70 they won't have humidity related issues. The light was too close or intense. Vegging plants don't need lots of intense lighting. I also see your ph was 8 in your diary. 6.2 ph would do them a lot better. I would remove the damaged leaves once she has grow some healthy ones.
Week 4. Vegetation
10 months ago
6.35 cm
17 hrs
21 °C
No Smell
60 %
19 L
0 L
Nutrients 2
Ocean Forest Potting Soil - Fox Farm
Ocean Forest Potting Soil 12 mll
Autoflower Concentrate - Nature's Living Soil
Autoflower Concentrate 10.567 mll
Over the weekend it was time to harden off... sunny enjoyment for all..unfortunately there were some sudden wind gusts and 3 of my sprouting cups fell off the ledge they were on all growth broke, tragic. Alas 2 remain..I took that as a sign that it was time to go all in and plant them outside. Planted the 3 broken ones just incase there was hope (they will no longer be featured here). Of the survivors, one went into a 5 gallon fabric bag Ffof and the other went into a 15 gallon fiberglass planter Ffof. Found some sunny spots and will let the season take the wheel from here. Day temps are looking mid 60s -mid 70s night temps 40s-50s.. week forecast looks like possibly 4 days of rain… it’s been a wet and chilly spring. Top dressed with natures living soil… very potent smelling.. not for indoor use without a filter unless you want your home to smell more like a barn..
Week 5. Vegetation
10 months ago
8.89 cm
17 hrs
21 °C
No Smell
43 %
10 °C
19 L
Nutrients 2
Ocean Forest Potting Soil - Fox Farm
Ocean Forest Potting Soil 12 mll
Autoflower Concentrate - Nature's Living Soil
Autoflower Concentrate 10.567 mll
Finally noticeable growth after a few nice days.. still think they are a bit short for their age but slowly slowly progress is made. Node spacing between 1-2 is sooooo short not sure what that will mean later but surely the stronger of the nodes will prevail..
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Week 6. Vegetation
10 months ago
8.89 cm
17 hrs
21 °C
No Smell
43 %
10 °C
19 L
Nutrients 2
Ocean Forest Potting Soil - Fox Farm
Ocean Forest Potting Soil 12 mll
Autoflower Concentrate - Nature's Living Soil
Autoflower Concentrate 10.567 mll
Another week of cold and rain. Had one lovely warm day as a treat..Noticeable lengthening of daylight and the track seems to be pretty good. Nice mix of full sun and dappled light.. The rain is keeping the soil moist that’s For-sure..
Week 7. Vegetation
9 months ago
22.86 cm
17 hrs
21 °C
No Smell
43 %
10 °C
19 L
Nutrients 2
Ocean Forest Potting Soil - Fox Farm
Ocean Forest Potting Soil 12 mll
Autoflower Concentrate - Nature's Living Soil
Autoflower Concentrate 10.567 mll
With the amount of rain and gloom it’s time for some lovely warmth and sun..I’m expecting some vigorous growth this coming week… some node spacing hasn’t stretched much and that’s probably an early sprouting issue.. will keep an eye on it could see possible air circulation issues?
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Week 8. Vegetation
9 months ago
30.48 cm
17 hrs
21 °C
No Smell
38 %
17 °C
19 L
Nutrients 2
Ocean Forest Potting Soil - Fox Farm
Ocean Forest Potting Soil 12 mll
Autoflower Concentrate - Nature's Living Soil
Autoflower Concentrate 10.567 mll
Things are happening!!!! The large container plant is starting to take on shape and put the gf some nice side branches. 5gal fabric is stretching but not a lot of sideways growth yet. They seem to have loved all the spring rain.. But the recent sun has really sprung them into act
Week 9. Vegetation
9 months ago
50.8 cm
17 hrs
21 °C
No Smell
38 %
17 °C
19 L
Nutrients 2
Ocean Forest Potting Soil - Fox Farm
Ocean Forest Potting Soil 12 mll
Autoflower Concentrate - Nature's Living Soil
Autoflower Concentrate 10.567 mll
Nice run of good sunny days need more of this!! One plant is getting wide and a great Christmas tree shape. While the other is developing it’s not sending branches wide.. still the same issue as weeks prior but we persist. I saw first signs of Lantern Flys this week black little things with white spots.. they are on the way and kinda worried about them…
Week 10. Vegetation
9 months ago
91.44 cm
17 hrs
21 °C
No Smell
38 %
17 °C
19 L
Nutrients 2
Ocean Forest Potting Soil - Fox Farm
Ocean Forest Potting Soil 12 mll
Autoflower Concentrate - Nature's Living Soil
Autoflower Concentrate 10.567 mll
Big bushy growth starting to take shape.. one has a great shape while the other is a little lean but anticipating it will even out eventually..
Week 11. Vegetation
9 months ago
91.44 cm
17 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
38 %
24 °C
19 L
Nutrients 2
Ocean Forest Potting Soil - Fox Farm
Ocean Forest Potting Soil 12 mll
Autoflower Concentrate - Nature's Living Soil
Autoflower Concentrate 10.567 mll
Starting to add more water daily.. this week is going to be really hot hopefully can keep ahead of the water requirements.. it’s been really nice and breezy hopefully it helps keep them cool. Day 80 decided that I needed to trim out some of the inner leaves and branches. Looked for signs of pests etc and it seems relatively good in there. Not sure what told me to do this at this time but from the research it didn’t seem like a bad time to do it. That said I got excited to trim and saved some cuts. Hopefully, I can get one to take and push it hard through a 12/12 to see what the flower will look like.. not sure really what I’m doing but it seems correct.. saved cuts from the bigger plant.. I guess I should have taken a cut from the smaller one too.. oh welllll..
Week 12. Vegetation
8 months ago
232.26 cm
17 hrs
32 °C
No Smell
38 %
24 °C
72 L
Nutrients 2
Ocean Forest Potting Soil - Fox Farm
Ocean Forest Potting Soil 12 mll
Autoflower Concentrate - Nature's Living Soil
Autoflower Concentrate 10.567 mll
Really excited that the pruning on a hot day didn’t really stress anyone out. I feel good about the choices of removal but looking back at it I missed a few things that should probably go.. oh well, learning is the game here. I’m noticing some more pre flower signs by the end of this week I’m sure it will be far more obvious. The plant in the 5gal is quite a bit smaller it took a while for it to get some shape but its finally looking like a cute Christmas tree.. Saw caterpillar holes used burkholderia.. 6/28 Top dressed with oyster shells and misc other organic items. I think it’s time they get a little boost as they are beginning to flo
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Used techniques
Week 13. Flowering
8 months ago
104.14 cm
17 hrs
27 °C
72 L
Nutrients 3
Ocean Forest Potting Soil - Fox Farm
Ocean Forest Potting Soil 12 mll
Autoflower Concentrate - Nature's Living Soil
Autoflower Concentrate 10.567 mll
Oyster Shell - Down To Earth
Oyster Shell 5 mll
I think it’s time to say I’m flowering.. actually have no real idea what I’m saying but there are some white hairs starting to emerge so I figured why not say it’s flowering even though it’s very slight. Also nervous to say I saw some brown / copper spots. Not sure if it’s nurse or pests can’t really get a good pho
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Used techniques
Grow Questions
OutdoorOperationsstarted grow question 8 months ago
I have some spots forming on some leaves..I’m concerned it’s a mite of some sort not sure if it’s something worse..I got a lot of rain so I’m letting them dry back and I took some PC measures using Jacks.
BerrySweetHighanswered grow question 8 months ago
Hello, I can see in your first picture that the leaves at the left bottom of the picture got the same damage. Check the leaves for bugs, they mostly hide at the bottom of the leaf. You can use a loop to determine what bugs are the issue here. From there you can choose the best (organic) method to solve this issue.
LSchnabelanswered grow question 8 months ago
It does appear to be bug damage. Your best tool is to get a magnifier and check the leaves. Most bugs reside on the bottom of the leaf. My outdoor plants get a hefty application of neem oil. I apply regularly until I start seeing bud formation. I usually only have an issue with Japanese beetles when I do this. If you do find any bugs or eggs on the bottom of the leaf. It’s best to remove that leaf and spot check the entire plant if you can. Hope this helps.
00110001001001111Oanswered grow question 8 months ago
if that black spot was ever shiney, there's some mold that looks like that. When i've seen it it's one spot, i remove it and it doesn't spread easily, at least indoors. the light spots do look like something is suckling on the leaves, though. outdoor stuff is an adventuree.
Week 15. Flowering
8 months ago
104.14 cm
17 hrs
32 °C
27 °C
68 L
4 L
Nutrients 3
Ocean Forest Potting Soil - Fox Farm
Ocean Forest Potting Soil 12 mll
Autoflower Concentrate - Nature's Living Soil
Autoflower Concentrate 10.567 mll
Oyster Shell - Down To Earth
Oyster Shell 5 mll
These two are struggling with something thought it was pest but seems to be more ph or nute related.. We’re in flower Forsure just need to figure out what to do
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Grow Questions
OutdoorOperationsstarted grow question 8 months ago
I’m pretty sure i have a mute problem not a pest problem.. soil ph is 7.5 what else could be the problem..she also seems stunted in growth
Nicogreenanswered grow question 8 months ago
Skriv lige privat kan hjælpe med gødning ph minus terra power gødning biobizz og big plant since. 😉
Nicogreenanswered grow question 8 months ago
Kun ph og måske enzymer og hvis du vander når der er sol på :-)
oldskoolkoolanswered grow question 8 months ago
What type of food are you feeding ger.Synthetic needs to be 6-7 so one or more could be getting locked out.
Week 16. Flowering
7 months ago
104.14 cm
17 hrs
32 °C
27 °C
19 L
4 L
Nutrients 3
Ocean Forest Potting Soil - Fox Farm
Ocean Forest Potting Soil 12 mll
Autoflower Concentrate - Nature's Living Soil
Autoflower Concentrate 10.567 mll
Oyster Shell - Down To Earth
Oyster Shell 5 mll
Watering with lower Ph water I think it’s solving the problem but can’t really tell.. just waiting to see if things improve..
Week 17. Flowering
7 months ago
104.14 cm
17 hrs
32 °C
27 °C
19 L
4 L
Nutrients 3
Ocean Forest Potting Soil - Fox Farm
Ocean Forest Potting Soil 12 mll
Autoflower Concentrate - Nature's Living Soil
Autoflower Concentrate 10.567 mll
Oyster Shell - Down To Earth
Oyster Shell 5 mll
Not sure what to do.. I’ve flushed the soil let it dry back and have been watering with water below pH of 7.. Well I’m an idiot and a newbie so that explains some things. As for my problems it’s not a matter of lock out it’s a complete lack of nutrients.. I thought the soil would have enough nutrients for a whole cycle..that was my first Mistake well not first but an additional one.. so I’m fixing that. I added humic acid and 3-2-1 premix. Also some bird guano dissolved in water. Sprayed with pest control which seems und
Grow Questions
OutdoorOperationsstarted grow question 7 months ago
Problem still persists.. I flushed the soil with ph adjusted water.. I let it dry back. I’ve been watering with water under 7ph and still yellowing.. not sure what to add at this point or what to do.. is there a saving grace for these two… very sad
BigBudGuyanswered grow question 7 months ago
I have heard Ocean Forest is way too hot for flower. Just what I have heard. Not much you can do other than hit them with some calmag and hope that is the issue. GL!
Week 18. Flowering
7 months ago
104.14 cm
17 hrs
32 °C
27 °C
19 L
4 L
Nutrients 4
Ocean Forest Potting Soil - Fox Farm
Ocean Forest Potting Soil 12 mll
Autoflower Concentrate - Nature's Living Soil
Autoflower Concentrate 10.567 mll
Girl Flower Power - Nature's Living Soil
Girl Flower Power 0.33 mll
Last week I made some attempts to save this project.. added 100g 5-6-5 ap fertilizer and 20g natures living soil girl Flower. Will continue with girl every few waterings and fert every 30day or so Pulled yellow and damaged leaves hope to notice if any new ones form
Week 19. Flowering
7 months ago
104.14 cm
17 hrs
26 °C
27 °C
19 L
4 L
Nutrients 3
Ocean Forest Potting Soil - Fox Farm
Ocean Forest Potting Soil 12 mll
Autoflower Concentrate - Nature's Living Soil
Autoflower Concentrate 10.567 mll
Girl Flower Power - Nature's Living Soil
Girl Flower Power 0.33 mll
Steady as she go
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1 comment
Week 20. Flowering
6 months ago
104.14 cm
13 hrs
26 °C
24 °C
19 L
4 L
Nutrients 4
Ocean Forest Potting Soil - Fox Farm
Ocean Forest Potting Soil 12 mll
Terp Tea Bloom - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Terp Tea Bloom 6.51 mll
Autoflower Concentrate - Nature's Living Soil
Autoflower Concentrate 10.567 mll
Stil going.. term tea added hopefully that helps get them over the line.. guessing another 6 weeks till fin.
1 comment
Week 21. Flowering
6 months ago
104.14 cm
13 hrs
26 °C
24 °C
19 L
4 L
Nutrients 2
Ocean Forest Potting Soil - Fox Farm
Ocean Forest Potting Soil 12 mll
Terp Tea Bloom - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Terp Tea Bloom 6.51 mll
Continuing the things
Week 22. Flowering
6 months ago
104.14 cm
13 hrs
26 °C
24 °C
19 L
4 L
Nutrients 2
Ocean Forest Potting Soil - Fox Farm
Ocean Forest Potting Soil 12 mll
Terp Tea Bloom - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Terp Tea Bloom 6.51 mll
Pretty sure the small one was suffering from early stage bud rot.. not sure don’t care to find out so cut off the main cola.. I’m keeping her far away from the others.. it’s the smallest so not too concerned. Other duck looks nice and bushy..had to take off some damaged leaves and possible PM..
Week 23. Flowering
6 months ago
104.14 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
24 °C
19 L
4 L
Nutrients 2
Ocean Forest Potting Soil - Fox Farm
Ocean Forest Potting Soil 12 mll
Terp Tea Bloom - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Terp Tea Bloom 6.51 mll
Buds are stacking really nicely and swelling by the day I guess I can notice two different phenos here.. one presents purple traits early.. Forsure made mistakes by spraying pest management while In flower.. live and learn!
Week 24. Flowering
6 months ago
104.14 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
24 °C
19 L
4 L
Nutrients 2
Ocean Forest Potting Soil - Fox Farm
Ocean Forest Potting Soil 12 mll
Terp Tea Bloom - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Terp Tea Bloom 6.51 mll
Still growing or whatever.. I noticed some bud death and rot so it’s removed.. but also noticed that there are very few pistols and not much development of scent or trichs.. look kind of dry and I’m concerned that there is something wrong.. I’m not gonna dry them with the others just Incase there is something airborne..
Week 25. Harvest
5 months ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Death 0 yield.. there must have been some disease or something but both plants shriveled and died.. made buds then they got real fluffy didn’t tighten up never produced trichs or even pistols.. very weird how it went from seemingly good or fine to extremely dead in weeks.. bummed but everything is a lesson learned. Won’t buy seeds from big guys again. Not saying it was the grear that was bad but just didn’t feel the love when I was growing them didn’t feel inspiration. will gladly support small independent farmers first from now on. I need the story I need the connection and community..
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Spent 163 days
Ger Veg Flo Har

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
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KushPartycommentedweek 206 months ago
Looks awesome 💣 💣 💣
Organic_Gcommentedweek 197 months ago
Whats up Growmie, nice Grow keep up the good work 👌🏽🍀 check out mine, maybe you got some tipps 🙏🏽 don‘t forget to Like & follow if you like my organic grows 💯
OutdoorOperationscommentedweek 138 months ago
Thanks everyone for your feedback.. I’m glad the rough consensus is it’s bug related rather than something more insidious.. I’m still gonna let her dry back and proceed with pest control… It couldn’t happen at a more inconvenient time but such is the nature of this adventure..
the end.
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5 Seed Summer 5 Seed Summer
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