Plant 1: Harvested in November 1st, 2024
This Plant was with 265cm the second tallest plant out of the 3 plants. The flowers showed a very interesting combination of colors. The leafs around the flowers developed a purple color which almost turned black in the final days of flower, while the inner part of the flowers was mostly green whith a purple touch. Sadly this plant had some serious mold problems, which reduced the yield by approximately 40%. The final weight after wet trimming was 1260g wet and 378g dried.
Plant 2: Harvested in November 1st, 2024
This plant was with 270cm the tallest out of the 3 plants. The flowers of her showed a nice deep purple color. Some flowers were also infeced with mold, which affected approximately 10% of the yield. The final weight after wet trimming was 2330g and 699g dried.
Plant 3:
This plant was with 255cm a bit smaller but her flowering finished 2 Weeks earlier than the other plants. Other than her sisters, her flowers stayed completely green. Like the other plants she was also affected by mold, which resulted in a loss of approximately 10%. The final yield after wet trimming was 1923g wet and 577g dried.
Very nice. May I suggest malted barley to go along with your organic nutrient program? Apply a couple handfuls as a top dressing on the soil. It provides P, K and enzymes. Idea is from Clackamas Coot if you want to google it. Any brew store will have malted barley making it one of the cheapest nutrients, like blackstrap molasses, that one can use. Good luck with the rest of the season.
@g_slim, Vielen lieben Dank! Ja, lustigerweise zeigen sie die Vorblüte schon seit der 8. Woche aber ohne dass sie richtige Blüten bilden. Ich dachte ursprünglich die vorläufige Vorblüte käme vielleicht durch das viel zu kalte Wetter zur damaligen Zeit, aber meine Recherche hatte mal ergeben, dass es wohl einfach nur bedeutet, dass sie geschlechtsreif sind, aber bedingt durch die langen Tage noch in der vegetativen Phase verbleiben.
@Marmelade, bei uns hat es in den letzten Tagen zwar ordentlich geschüttet, aber glücklicherweise nicht so viel, dass es zu Staunässe gekommen ist. Gestern waren nach einem kurzen aber massiven Regenfall sogar einige Seitentriebe nach unten gebogen, über Nacht haben die sich aber wieder aufgerichtet.