Day 50 (First Grow):
"Hey everyone!
Quick update: we transplanted the plants, and they’re settling into their new pots nicely. 🌿
Just a quick recap from last week:
We've named all the plants, making it easier to track their progress.
We've set up a SCROG (Screen of Green) net to help train the plants and ensure even growth.
We're monitoring the humidity levels closely with a hygrometer and considering adding more fans to improve air circulation.
Excited to see how they continue to develop as we prepare for the flowering phase! Stay tuned for more updates!"
Day 53 (First Grow):
Hey everyone!
Exciting news: we’ve added a new member to our grow tent – a praying mantis! 🦗 Her species is Timor shield mantis, and she still needs a name.
We decided to get her to help with pest control naturally. Praying mantises are excellent predators and can help keep unwanted insects away from our plants.
Feel free to suggest a name for her! Any tips or fun facts about keeping a mantis in the grow tent are also welcome!
Day 54 (First Grow):
Hey everyone!
Big update today: we’ve switched the timer to a 12/12 light cycle to initiate the flowering phase! 🌸
Our plants have developed a nearly complete and dense canopy, and we believe they’re ready to start blooming. This change should encourage them to shift their energy towards producing buds.
For those following along, here’s a quick recap:
We've implemented a SCROG net to manage the canopy and ensure even light distribution.
We've introduced a Timor shield mantis for natural pest control.
The plants have responded well to all adjustments and are looking healthy.
Now that the flowering phase is starting, we’re excited to see how they develop over the next few weeks. Any tips or advice for optimizing this phase? Let us know in the comments!
Congrats on your first grow! It looks like your lights are too close. The plants look miniaturized because they want the lights to be backed off, that way they can grow up towards them more .. I run my 350watt LED lights 40+ inches away all during veg
@OrganicChronic, Thanks for the congrats and the tip! 🌿 I'll try backing the lights off a bit to give the plants more room to grow upwards. I'll adjust mine and see how it goes. Appreciate the advice!
Ich mache auch grad meinen ersten Indoor Grow, bin super gespannt. Hab meine schon etwas Entlaubt etc ich werde deins auch mal weiter verfolgen sind in der ähnlichen Woche ;)
@WeedleyScott, Deine Pflanzen sehen auch echt schön aus werde ich auch mal verfolgen, denkst du ich sollte auch schonmal etwas Entlauben? Also vereinzelte Blätter, die sehr nah am Boden waren, habe ich bereits entfernt als sie sich gelb verfärbt haben.
@Sejanus21, Danke! Ja, die Begeisterung ist definitiv groß. 😄 Die SF 1000 ist wirklich eine gute Lampe, und du hast recht – dieses Hobby bringt den Perfektionisten in einem hervor. Immer auf der Suche nach dem Optimum!