Another week has passed with liberal defoliation and small LST tweaks. I'm quite happy with the results for a first-time grower.
I am adding 1g of Epsom salts per litre to the liquid feed and a dash of white vinegar to lower the pH a bit.
The Epsilon F1 are racing along nicely and should be ready for drying by the end of the month. It is already obvious that the best of the 3 Epsilon F1's, all planted in different substrates, is the Plagron Cocos Perlite (70/30). That said, the two other girls have smaller volume pots and seem to be plodding along just fine
The Critical Orange Crush will probably take an extra few weeks to reach maturity but that's expected.
Still no signs of the mould growth returning, the cinnamon powder seems to have done the job nicely, would recommend it as a low-cost effective solution for substrate mould after clearing all signs on the soil..
I had a bit of a disaster today, somehow, the circulation fan slipped down the pole and rested, running for 12 hours, on Ersilon pot B. Poor lass is still alive but it will skew the test results, and she was looking so good.😭