(Soil is 2/3 generic soil from store, 1/3 perlite. I flushed them a few days before planting them into soil.)
My initial intention was to grow one plant.
#1 was germinated by peat pellet - paper towel - soil (I had no idea what I was doing). Putting it to soil was a last ditch attempt, I was ready for it to not sprout. The root had barely broken the seed after a week in a combination of peat pellet and paper towel, so I started #2 the same day I planted #1.
#2 was germinated by 3-4 days in glass of water.
Shoutouts to Lauterbach for his part in making this happen.
@gottagrowsometime, thanks, what makes you think that my pH is low, the droopy leaves?
My plan was to only give nutrients every few waterings, so when I water tomorrow I'll water with around ~7 pH, should normalize hopefully. I'll pH test the mixture with biogrow now.
edit: the pH on the water-nutrient mixture looks good actually, 6.5ish.