Harvest Time!
Was a very fun and easy grow! I am gonna weigh the buds when they are dry, want to dry them with the branches on. Final rating when dried and testet :)
Final Testing!!
I am using a vaporizer, the effect is very relaxing, upliftig and smooth. Exactly what i was looking for!!!! You can be productive if you want, or relax very good. I dont like it when the effect is to strong, so this is the perfect option.
My first love. I have the old one, Dimming is very complicated and not accurate.. Would love to have a new one with easy dimming Button. Because this light is perfect for my 60x60 setup
Can you see the dry Leaf tips ? Some leaf tips are very dry.... Today the soil before watering was also very dry. Should i water them earlier or are these deficiency symptoms? Maybe to much nutrients? I am very close to harvest, maybe 1 or 2 weeks left. Some ideas?
Just looks like some signs of slight overfeeding and that's tip burn.
I would cut back on the nutrients or cut them out all together if your only a week or so away. Let the plant drink more water if it looks like it needs it, but don't feed it anything new.
Good Luck!