I've discovered this week my timer that was powering the 600w LED had developed a fault and was turning on roughly an hour early, explains why Holy Punch has been taking a while to kick in to full flower. Has probably put the grown behind by about 10 days which is a bit annoying but these things happen.
The Holy Punch is getting pretty thirsty and I have to say she's looking very nice.
I've taken the 600w led out and replaced it with 2 x 300w leds either side of the hps to spread light more evenly.
@HighTV, this is why I like grow diaries, you can really see the growth from week to week. You really don't appreciate it when your in the grow room everyday
@Homegrown79, if I'm busy I'm not getting in trouble so busier the better!
I'm only out there for about 45 minutes maybe an hour a day so not too bad and definitely worth it come harvest.
Photo's with a good 6/7 week veg period & 10 week flower all day long !!
I tried auto's & Their ok ?? I'll see how this Fastbuds Auto BB kush works ??
I'm not totally sold as they start flowering too early & That extra 2/3 weeks
Loses loads of weight !! I have timer switches & Costs 6 hours less electric
So It's irrelevant anyway ?? Most auto's 18/6 or 20/4 photo 16/8 & 12/12 !!
Auto's feed weird & Golf ball buds !! Photo's well vegged ?? Rugby balls '-'