
First Try - iGrowcan Green Gelato Auto

7 months ago
Room Type
Coco Coir
Grow medium
2 L
Pot Size
Grow Conditions
Week 2
16 hrs
Light Schedule
7+ conditions after
Commented by
onioncheese onioncheese
8 months ago
So this is vegetation week 2! After mixed feelings after week 1 according to the size and growth rate, let's see how this weeks turns out. Day 1: Today is a sunny day aswell, so I put the plant outside on my balcony. Comparing the leafs to yesterday (last day of week 1) I have a feeling that the leafs got quite a bit bigger, let's see how things turn out this week! The soil seems to be getting quite dry after not watering the plant for 4 days straight while being outside in direct sunlight, so I will give it aroung 200ml of water later on. According to the forecast the next two days will be fairly warm (~25°C) and sunny, so I'll let it stay out for a couple of more days. Day 2: It seems that the plant really enjoys the sunlight. Even if it doesn't seem much if you look at the pictures, if I had to guess the two leafs almost doubled in size since yesterday. Furthermore it's height is still around 6.5cm, so it didn't stretch upwards any further since it's out in the sun on my balcony for the last 5 days. Everything seems to be going great right now. I'll check the humidity of the soil later this evening and eventually water the plant again since it has been outside in direct sunlight the whole day. Day 3: Another sunny day, so the plant is staying outside again. It seems like two new leafs start to appear in the middle. Unfortunately the next 4 or 5 days seem to be cloudy and rainy according to the weather forecast. We'll see how that'll affect the growth or if my 14W LED is actually enough for this little plant to keep on growing. Day 4: It wasn't that cloudy as predicted today, so the plant spent most of the day outside on my balcony. I just recently took it in at around 18:00 and placed her under my 14W 4000K LED. I don't know if that little light is even sufficient, but it's worth a try at least. Comparing to day 3 the two new leafs did increase in size in the last 24 hours as can be seen on the pictures. I'm just not quite sure if the growth is enough to get a reasonable sized plant in the vegetation time. Especially since light will be much more sparse in the next couple of days due to clouds an rain. The soil still seems to be humid enough, so no watering today. Day 5: The forecast said that it's gonna be cloudy and rainy today. So far the day has been okay. Unfortunately I kept my plant inside because of the forecast and put her under my 14W LED. I just put her out for the rest of the day at like 15:30. So it'll definiately get some fresh air and real sunlight. The plant grew about 1cm in height again. Not sure if this was due to bad lighting or if it's just normal stretching. At least it seems that the first two seed leafs are seperating more and more from the second pair of leafs. Day 6: As forecast the weather was fairly bad today. Lots if clouds and colder than the last several days. So I kept my plant inside. Beside the daylight coming through the window I used my LED to give her some light during the whole day. As mentioned yesterday the plant got two new leafs which keep on developing. I'm curious if they had developed faster if the weather was as nice as during the start of the week with lots of sunshine. At least the temperature and humidity seems to be alright inside under the lamp as can be seen on the little hygrometer. Since I didn't water the plant since day 1 of this week, I gave it ~60ml of water. Day7: Another rather uneventful day. After spending the morning outside in the sun I put the plant back inside for the rest of the day since it was rather cloudy and temperatures stayed below 20°C. I noticed that the smaller of the two new leafs has some yellow spots on the tips. I might have put the LED a little bit to low the last few days and it got burned.
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Jamescommentedweek 08 months ago
Gooood luck on your first ride mate! 🌱