Flowers has started blooming.
Papaya has grew up very quickly. It easily consumes nutrition mix with 1k PPM. I think it is very good strain for SCRoG training. Internode length is about 15 cm.
I've stopped LST training with it.
Also I've got the purple preflowers, maybe the buds will be purple?
Speed is still in preblooming phase, it isn't stretchy as Papaya, but have strong stems.
I almost done with LST with it, but sometime there are minor bends.
I also like this strain. It will be pretty easy for beginners and interesting experience for mature growres
I haven't tried a lot of seedbanks(only one lol), but what sweet seeds does, it's amazing!
@Falc212, So sorry but we haven't anything like this. Keep in mind autoflowers need the same, the only important thing is the plant start to flower at 3 or 4 week. If you use a complete soil, you probably don't need vegetative fertilisers. Only something for the roots.