I left these ladies alone with Mother Nature this week. It rained pretty much everyday and they are loving it. I fimmed Patti a little too far down but she still managed to regrow. Stem rub is giving off a hint of bubblegum. Lauryn may not make it but ima transplant her and hope for the best. I gave her too much fox farm grow big without properly diluting then flushed twice.
I supercropped the main branch a week ago and it’s been rained on a lot is it rotten to the point of no return or do you think if I leave it alone it will get better? I lifted it up to show the underside in the second picture.
Amico mio prova a lasciarle senza toccarla magari si riprende. .era meglio lasciarla piegata senza tirarla su..a me una volta per voler tirar su un ramo, mi si è rotto completamente. ...una volta piegata meglio non toccarla più. .. suerte