It looks as though some sort of deficiency? I had a plant last grow that got those spots. Was not PH. It wasn't light burn. Not sure what it was. I boosted the CaliMagic and Tiger Bloom and she seemed to pull through after that and some defoliation. I was never sure what it was. Do you have any idea?
@JayBoGart,In this case it is a surplus of Potassium. Excess potassium can lead to calcium and magnesium deficiencies. I forced more potassium than I needed.
I do know that cannabis will uptake every nutrient it is given, regardless of whether it needs it or not. Correct? What I hear you saying is when it uptakes these nutrients, some will basically lock out other nutes or over power them, in a way? That isn't the root system locking them out from like PH or something like that? Interesting. 👍👊
@ClubRiot, thanks for the reply. I think i'm going to run in the summer. I would love to compare an indoor and outdoor one. Thank you for the information ! i look forward to following your grows.
@cc28, thank you 💪👍 I like to grow automatic strains because there is no need to change the light cycle (I always use 20 hours of light) and the period from seed to harvest is much shorter than in normal strains. The amount of buds you can get from an automatic strain depends on several growth factors but about 50-150 grams normally.👌
She is gonna be a great finish of pure diesel, oufff the taste is gonna jump right off the plant to the nostrils. Great great grow, she definitely sounds like a strain for the books
Keep doing what you doing 💯🤙