Unfortunate Week...
Honey cream had a couple of "budrot" spots forming due to droplets of water dripping into the flower and not drying (99%humidity nights)...
Thankfully those buds were cut down and she doesn't seem to be producing any more "budrot"..
Apart from that, the smell is amazing on her.
Power Flower is going nicely too, but seems to not have too much smell...
@JamesBarre, Salut !C'est vrai ! Mais je pense que je vais le laisser un peu plus longtemps que ce qu'ils disent... 7-8 semaines ne me semblent pas suffisantes 😅👌
@Nistnov, Hey Thanks !
Nope, I'm guessing is due to lower daylight ;) The shade starts to cover them earlier..
But that would work too if you would want to flower them earlier 😁