Liebes Tagebuch,unsere Damen haben die eiskalte Regenwoche gut überstanden,
und sich fertig ausgestreckt.
DOG: 144cm; sie riecht stark und auch schon süß.
BD: 129cm; sie riecht noch schwach.
WW: 132cm; sie riecht mittelstark.
Vieles wurde getan,manches blieb noch unerledigt.
Enjoy Life
Congratulations on your harvest. Its so nice we have translation on GD. I'm happy to see a lot of new German growers on this platform. I'm sure we in Canada and the US can learn from some of that German Engineering mind set for the garden.
@Thc_highflyerz, This is a Pack from 2023, bought in the european store,after the long selling break because of the spanish law.
I dont know if the genetics are the same as before the break.
@Thc_highflyerz, The Pack is from 2023 after they started the Shop for Europe. After the break through the spanish law
So i don‘t know if it is the same genetics . She is a robust healthy plant, with no mold, outdoor in germany