Starting off on 1st of june i thought being a month late, but as i live in northern Germany and we have shitty weather most of the time, i couldn't have planted them earlier i guess. This is my first grow btw.
I used a monster bud mix and added it to the arbitrary tomato growing soil that you can get in every store.
i gathered a few stones to have a draining layer at the bottom but managed only to get enough stones for two pots. as soon as the seeds started the germination i transferred them into the soil and i put a cut plastic bottle over them because i reckon it was too cold outside. The terasse on which they are situated is facing south/west and had good light exposure during the day (if the sun would come out). I never really watered them as it rained a lot but i figured nature will do its stuff. after a few days two of the three plant would break through the surface and start growing into what you can see in the picture. unfortunately one of them (Kevin) seemed not wanting to grow.