
When life gives you lemons (Grow 9)

6 days ago
Room Type
weeks 2-4
weeks 3-4
Biobizz Light-Mix
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 5
12 hrs
Light Schedule
12+ conditions after
1+ nutrients after
Commented by
einamio einamio
12 days ago
Day 36 1250ml each ec0.8 ph6.4 - 300ml out ec3.3 ph6.9. With ec this high I dont feel like giving her fertilizers... and I should probably dilute my tap water with distilled. So the Skunk girl has some brown spots and the Haze one is still yellow at the tips of the new growth. But nothing crucial. Day 37 Looking happier. Day 38 LS has some nasty necrosis going on on some leaves that I had to remove. Also her new leaves look kinda thin to me. Day 40 Skunk keep loosing her leaves. Day 41 Removed a few small branches from the bottom of Haze. Skunk is sick. After talking to more experienced growers decision was made to drop runoff EC from 3.5 to at least 2 so that the plants could absorb nutrients mostly Phosphorus which is causing all this. So Skunk was given about 2500ml and Haze around 2000ml. Both were watered until runoff EC2.0-1,8 Day 42 Haze stretched like crazy in a day, both look a bit better although she also has same signs on her leaves now... I guess I need to feed them bloom when they dry.
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Grow Questions
einamiostarted grow question 9 days ago
At first it looks like a asymmetrical spot of leaf starting to thin out to lighter color then tissue dries and turn black. I have high runoff EC3.3 and I blame Easy boost pellets because I only add rootjuice 1ml/L and sugar royal 0.5ml/L to my water. What is it and how I fix it?
Leaves. Tips - Die
Leaves. Color - Black or grey
Feeding. Deficiences
GrowerOGanswered grow question 7 days ago
Hello mate, i sse by your diary that you use different type of product to feed; I always avoid to use bio-product together with synthetics ones. I suggest you to flush your pots and then feed the plants with only one type of product, bio or synthetic. You also must change the solution pH, i think because you want that the pH's soil stay between 6.2-6.5. Good luck and happy journey!

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LoraxPubesweek 5
Looks like the LH is taking longer to start budding. Good to know, now I won't freak out when I flip if mine do the same.
@LoraxPubes, yours look quiet bushy already, I wouldn't wait another week if I were you and start flipping, it's not like pistils gonna appear the next day they will also take another couple of weeks of growth:) just to consider
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LoraxPubesweek 1
Is this 9 days from when the sprouted seeds were planted? If so, you've got some really fast growing genetics or a great set up. Im growing the LSSH right now too, and I am 10 days from planting the seeds and mine are much farther behind yours. Congrats, looking forward to harvesting with you
@LoraxPubes, hey growmie, thanks for checking ;) I start counting days when the seedling pops out of the soil. Usually it takes a seed 2-4 days to sprout and I don't count those days as growth :) but also RQS genetics are really good and their cultivars develop fast. I harvested first two LSSHs in april (it was my second grow ever) and I'm currently finishing them up - it's the tastiest and most pleasant plant I've grown! Good luck with yours and feel free to dm if you got questions ;)
LoraxPubesweek 4
Training seems to be going well. You planning to flip them next week still?
@LoraxPubes, I started 12/12 day 19, two weeks ago and they only start showing pistils now :)
LoraxPubesweek 3
Topped my LSSH and noticed the new leaves coming in way more yellow than normal too. Wonder if its something in the genetics that has changed. Your second grow where you did LSSH didn't seem to have it. Weird. Thought I nute burned mine or something, but seeing yours do the same is reassuring.
@LoraxPubes, I didn't top during my 2nd grow, only lst. So how old was yours when you topped? I wouldn't rule out nute burn:) I'm trying to make them flower already)
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LoraxPubesweek 2
Week 2 for us both Growmie. I would guess that the leaf twist is just genetic, rather than a symptom of anything. The runt of my 3 plants (RIP) had a bunch of weird gene expressions in the leaf growth, including more dramatic twisting than yours is showing. Comparing our plants, it looks like yours might be a bit leggier than mine. Has me wondering if your lighting is dialed in right. Maybe the LSSH strain I am growing just has some fatter leaves though, giving the illusion of height to yours. Might be worth checking that PPD at the canopy and making sure its between 400-600 though. I just increased my light intensity and raised it to get mine in that range and adapt the plants to brighter light, seems to be going well so far.
@LoraxPubes, I don't know man, I had twisting leaves on different cultivars, that's why I don't think it's genetics and I've read that it might be low humidity the cause. I measure DLI because PPFD doesn't mean anything without counting in how long it shines. And at the moment it seems I'm giving them almost 25 DLI with my 18/6 which is slightly more than what is scheduled for such a young plant. But I'm also increasing it slowly to see how much they can handle :) I also topped Lemon Skunk today I will upload pics in a few. How big are your pots?
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Herbie101week 1
Best of luck for this run buddy! Love these strains! 👌
Jamesweek 0
Enjoy your growign buddy!! 🌱
Ghrimweek 3
Good luck 👍🏻 Happy growing 🌱