
Photos paraguayan #F1 seeds. Just for fun!

5 days ago
Paraguayan #F1
Room Type
weeks 5
weeks 5
Super Live Soil
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 5
24 hrs
Light Schedule
7+ conditions after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
BettaMushroom420 BettaMushroom420
7 days ago
While this diary won’t be meticulously detailed, I’m eager to share updates because these plants are looking amazing and are thriving. I have big plans for them, and I’m looking forward to documenting and sharing this journey with you all! This grow is special to me because it involves seeds I produced myself through self-pollination of Paraguaian plants. These plants were originally cultivated to meet international demand (especially in Brazil) and are a mix of traditional local varieties combined with popular European strains. The genetic potential of these plants is incredible, yielding robust, resin-rich, and flavorful harvests. Breeding Process: In my last harvest, I selectively self-pollinated the best plants from that crop, which resulted in 4 (later 3) photoperiodic, feminized plants from two different mother plants. These plants are showing a lot of promise, and I’m really excited about the potential they hold. Germination: I started with about 10 seeds, sowing them directly into a germination box with substrate. After multiple selection phases, I ended up with 3 strong plants. Progress: Unfortunately, I have very few photos of these plants, as I didn’t document much of their early growth. However, these plants are looking healthy and strong, and I'm excited to see how they continue to develop. Plans: My goal is to let these plants grow a bit more, then take clones and move everything to an indoor setup. With the current intense outdoor vegetative photoperiod we're experiencing, I’m confident these plants will thrive indoors when the time comes. - Substrate: I'm using a custom substrate (live/organic) mix for 15-liter pots, consisting of: Bone meal Yoorin Ekosil (potassium and silica from rocks) Earthworm humus Vegetable soil Chicken manure Isopod Compost Coconut coir Organic matter Perlite
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