Wow,I cant believe what I grew on Balcony !
Top Quality!
Great job Fast Buds,only what I can say!
From beginning this was monster plant,healthy,she loves a lot of space,a lot of sun.
Smells unique,in late flowering phase for me personally strong melon smell,bit citrus and sweet but very unique A++ quality,
After few weeks in jars it smells like Vanilla Ice Cream,first time that I have cannabis that smells like Ice Cream,it is not joke!
Buds are big,very big,look photos,Im very proud !
Effect is the best thing about this plant for me personally,strong and heavy hybrid knockout ,but very balanced and you feel Sativa side nice,last long and it is not for beginners definitely !
I Love you Fast Buds,
Thank you for help and support,this makes this first german legal experiance very nice!